Honors Project Part II - Kelly Leang

By kleang
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    734-650 million years ago
    -Divergent boundries
    -Lithosphere is cracking and spreading which causes rifts
    -Creates basins
    -Above sea level rifts = rift valley
    -May be finned with water = rift lake
    -Impact: Rifts have sedimentary rocks which hold oils and gasses that are used and are important to the economy. Citations:
    "Rift." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Web. 08 Mar. 2015.
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    Blue Ridge Mountains

    Blue Ridge Mountains
    Formed about 400 million years ago
    -North America and Eruasian plates collided into each other and began to form the blue ridge mountains
    -Gorges and canyons can be found
    -Gold, copper, marble, and talc can be found
    -Impact: Mountains acted as barrier for settlers because it prevented them from colonizing westward. Citations
    "Blue Ridge Mountains." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Web. 17 Mar. 2015.
  • Jan 1, 600

    Coastal Plains

    Coastal Plains
    Began 47 million years ago
    -Flat sloping ground
    -Climate warmed and cooled several times
    -Land covered and uncovered from sea levels falling/rising
    -Sand Hills, Uwharrie Mountains, & Outer Banks
    -Impact: Sea level rising = unhealthy estuaries and saltwater intrusion Citations:
    "NC Department of Environment and Natural ResourcesCoastal Management - Sea Level Rise." NCDENR.
    "Carolina Geology." Carolina Geology. Web. 10 Mar. 2015.
  • Jan 1, 700

    Ice Ages

    Ice Ages
    1.7 million years ago
    -Glaciers and ice caps continuously formed again and melted
    -Sea levels rose and fell and Coastal plain exposed
    -Ridges created formed Barrier Islands
    -Impact: If the Barrier Islands weren't there, the population of the animals, such as turtles, will severely decrease. Citations:
    "1.2 The Natural History of North Carolina." The Natural History of North Carolina. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Mar. 2015.
  • Jan 1, 1500

    Appalachian Mountains

    Appalachian Mountains
    Formed about 480 million years ago
    -In Eastern North Carolina
    -System of mountains
    -Created by plates colliding into each other (Convergent Boundary) Citations:
    "Appalachian Mountains." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Web. 03 Mar. 2015.
  • Barrier Islands

    Barrier Islands
    -Islands are narrow and are parallel to the shorline
    -Barrier islands protect mainland
    -Formed when sea level rose and winds or waves moved the sand around until isnlands formed Citations:
    "2 How Is Coastal Sand Formed into Barrier Islands?" How Is Coastal Sand Formed into Barrier Islands? Web. 10 Mar. 2015.
    "SHORELINES." SHORELINES. Web. 10 Mar. 2015.
  • Fall Zones

    Fall Zones
    -Also called the escarpment
    -Fall lines are the break between the hard, resistiant "basement rock" (oldest metamorphic and igneous rock that make up continents) and the softer sedimentary rock that makes up coastal plain
    -Known around rivers and waterfalls
    -Formed by erosion when sedimentary rocks wear away
    -Creates elevation differences Citations:
    "Fall Line." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Web. 08 Mar. 2015.
  • River Basins

    River Basins
    10,000 years ago, humans began living on watersheds (aka river basins)
    -Land where water flows into a river
    -Valleys are formed by a river flowing inbetween mountains
    -Convergent boundary plates form mountains Citations:
    "Drainage Basins And Watersheds - Geology For Kids - By KidsGeo.com." Drainage Basins And Watersheds - Geology For Kids - By KidsGeo.com. Web. 10 Mar. 2015.
  • Shorelines

    -The edge where body of water meets the land
    ex. beach
    -Formed from erosion in the water
    -Waves move the water up and down the shore Citations:
    "Shoreline Science: Exploring the Erosive Energy of Waves." Scientific American Global RSS. Web. 10 Mar. 2015.
  • Valley

    • Low area between mountains or hills and are caused by surface depression -Erosion & Rivers = V-Shaped valleys -Glaciers = U-Shaped valleys -Deep, narrow valleys are called canyons -Low areas have valleys with an average slope and places like the mountains have a steeper and narrower slope
    "Valleys: Face of the Earth." Valleys: Face of the Earth. Web. 16 Mar. 2015.
  • Continental Slope

    Continental Slope
    16,000 years ago, continental shelf (been around for over 200 million years) and river valleys of Ancient North Carolina begin to flood due to melting glaciers
    -As the sea rises, the continenental slope (continental shelf edge) increases in depth underwater
    -Impact: Continental Slopes acts as habitats for the deep sea creatures that live in darkness. Citations:
    North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences**(Post my info on edmodo)