Hong Kong on Fire

  • Winston Churchill sends reinforcements

    Winston Churchill realises that Hong Kong is in danger and decides to send reinforcements.
  • Canadian troops arrive on the HMCS Prince Robert

    On November 16, 1941, two Canadian battalions, the Winnipeg Grenadiers and Royal Rifles of Canada, comprising 2 500 members boarded a huge transport vessel to journey to Hong Kong, where they joined the Hong Kong defence forces.
  • Canadian troops arrive on the HMCS Prince Robert

    On November 16, 1941, two Canadian battalions, the Winnipeg Grenadiers and Royal Rifles of Canada, comprising 2 500 members boarded a huge transport vessel to journey to Hong Kong, where they joined the Hong Kong defence forces.
  • Attack on Kai Tak

    36 Japanese fighters attack Kai Tak airfield and units of the Japanese 23rd cross the Sham Chun Shan river.
  • Evacuation of New Territories

    The New Territories is evacuated.
  • Evacuation of Kowloon

    Kowloon is evacuated.
  • Japanese demand surrender

    Japanese demand surrender (surrender is ignored)
  • Japanese begin to heavily bomb HK

    Japanese begin a heavy bombing and artillery barrage of the island's northern coastal defences.
  • Japanese attack HK Island

    Japanese main attack Hong Kong Island.
  • Grenadiers Retake mount Butler

    Grenadiers Retake mount Butler with heavy casualties.
  • Commanding officer Lawson killed

    HK Commanding officer Lawson killed as Fortress Hong Kong captured.
  • Royal rifles retreat

    Royal rifles Retreat to Stanely.
  • Japanese attack Royal Rifles

    Japanese attack Royal rifles and capture Stanley fort.
  • St. Stephens hospital massacre

    Japanese attack St. Stephens hospital
  • Mt Cameron gets captured

    Mt Cameron Captured and Malty calls for Governor Young to surrender.
  • Thousands of women raped

    Over the month10,000 women are raped
  • HK currency removed

    Hong Kong Dollar was outlawed and replaced by the Japanese Military Yen. The exchange rate was fixed at 2 Hong Kong dollars to one military yen.
  • the HK-Kowloon brigade (港九大隊) was established from the Guangdong

    The HK-Kowloon brigade (港九大隊) was established from the Guangdong People's anti-Japanese Guerilla force led by Cai Guo-liang (蔡國梁).
  • The British Army Aid Group

    The British Army Aid Group was formed by Colonel Lindsay Ride.
  • Buildings renamed

    Streets and buildings in Central were renamed in Japanese.
  • Food rationing

    food rationing begins
  • Police recruited to be Kempeitai

    Police recruited to be Kempeitai
  • Repatriation of Chinese back to the mainland

    Repatriation of Chinese back to the mainland
  • Internment of most 'white' Allied civilians

    Internment of most 'white' Allied civilians.
  • Public utilities handed over to Japanese control

    Public utilities handed over to Japanese control
  • Bombing of Hiroshima

    the US dropped an atomic bomb called the “Enola Gay” on Hiroshima, killing over 70,000 instantaneously.
  • Another atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki

    Another atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki.
  • Japan surrender

    Japan finally surrenders.
  • Hong Kong was handed over by Imperial Japanese Army

    Hong Kong was handed over by Imperial Japanese Army to the Royal Navy on the "30 August" was declared as the "Liberation Day" (Chinese: 重光紀念日), and had been a public holiday in Hong Kong until 1967.
  • Franklin Gimson Interim Governor

    Franklin Gimson, Hong Kong's colonial secretary, declares himself interim governor.
  • British Rear Admiral

    British Rear Admiral Sir Cecil Halliday Jepson Harcourts formally accepts the Japanese surrender. Mark Young resumes as Governor.
  • General Takashi Executed

    General Takashi Sakai, is tried as a war criminal and executed on the afternoon.