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Hong Kong History

  • Selling of Opium

    Selling of Opium
    2000 opium chests sold to China/year Emperor Jiajing bans opium.
  • Period: to

    Hong Kong: 1800 - 2017

    Hong Kong history from 1800 to 2017
  • Chests of Opium

    Chests of Opium
    5,000 - 23,000 chests of opium was somehow smuggled into China without anyone noticing.
  • First Opium War

    First Opium War
    The First Opium War, aka the Opium War or the Anglo-Chinese War, was a sequence of military engagement fought between the United Kingdom and the Qing dynasty.
  • British Hong Kong

    British Hong Kong
    British officially owns Hong Kong for 100 years.
  • European Ships Arrive

    European Ships Arrive
    So Europeans came into China to trade their goods for opium, but China didn't agree, only then did they sell it in Macau and finally Guangzhou.
  • 2nd Opium War

    2nd Opium War
    This happened after British got Kowloon. The Chinese had still not allowed the British to enter the city of Canton.
  • Peak Tram Built

    Peak Tram Built
    It took 3 whole years to build the Peak Tram. It was opened on 28 May 1888 by the governor Sir George William des Voeux. It was first used for the residents of Victoria Peak only.
  • British Takes New Territories

    British Takes New Territories
    British takes New Territories, which is nearly the whole of Hong Kong, including the whole of Lantau Island.
  • Sun Yat Sen

    Sun Yat Sen
    The revolution topples government Sun Yat Sen in China. He was also a Chinese physician, writer, philosopher, calligrapher and revolutionary.
  • Second Sino-Japanese War (Invasion)

    Second Sino-Japanese War (Invasion)
    The Second Sino-Japanese War was fought between the Republic of China and the Empire of Japan from July 7, 1937 to September 9, 1945.
  • Japan Occupies Hong Kong.

    Japan Occupies Hong Kong.
    The Imperial Japanese Occupation of Hong Kong started when the Governor of Hong Kong (Sir Mark Young), surrendered the British Crown Colony of Hong Kong to Imperial Japan on 25 December 1941.
  • Japan Surrenders

    Japan Surrenders
    When Japan surrenders, Hong Kong's back to the British rule. Finally defeated on 25 December 1941, but to the locals, the day was known as "Black Christmas".
  • Refugees

    1.5 million refugees flee to Hong Kong for protection.
  • Hong Kong Evolves

    Hong Kong Evolves
    Hong Kong evolves to become a major finance and manufacturing centre due to changing government rules.
  • Shek Kip Mei Fire

    Shek Kip Mei Fire
    The Shek Hip Mei Fire left 63,000 homeless due to burning houses, bushfires and more.
  • The Handover

    The Handover
    This officially maked the transfer over Hong Kong from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the People's Republic of China. T_T
  • Hong Kong International Airport

    Hong Kong International Airport
    The Hong Kong International Airport opens at Chek Lap Kok and has been a huge success ever since.
  • Hong Kong

    Hong Kong
    This is the present day. See how much has changed over the past!