Hong Kong History

By dhat1
  • First Opium War

    First Opium War
    In 1842 Hong Kong was born from the Qing dynasty government, was defeated in the first opium war in 1842, When China cedes Hong Kong Island to Britain after the first opium war.
  • The second Opium War

    The second Opium War
    The second opium war was a war between British, French and Qing dynasty of China when they fight for a drug called opium.
  • Britain invades Hong Kong

    Britain invades Hong Kong
    China leases the new territories together with 235 Islands to Britain for 99 years from July first.
  • The Second Sino-Japanese war

    The Second Sino-Japanese war
    With the sudden Sino-Japanese war ,Hong Kong becomes a refuges for thousands to mainland China.
  • Food shortages

    Food shortages
    Japan occupies Hong Kong,Food shortages make many Hong Kong residents to move out of mainland China.Population drops from 1.6m in 1941 to 650,000 by the end of the Second World War.
  • Britain Re-establishes

    Britain Re-establishes
    Britain re-establishes civil government.Hundreds of thousands Residents return
  • 1950

    Hong Kong enjoys economic revival based on light industries.
  • Social discontent

    Social discontent
    Social discontent and labor disputes,Rife among poorly-paid workforce.
  • late 1960s

    late 1960s
    Living conditions improve and social unrest subsides.
  • Serve riots breakout

    Serve riots breakout
    Serve riots breakout ,by followers of China Culture.
  • Hong Kong is officially an "Asian-Tiger"

    Hong Kong is officially an "Asian-Tiger"
    Hong Kong is officially an "Asian-Tiger" -one of the highly developed economies of Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan.
  • future

    Britain and China begin talks on the future of Hong Kong.
  • One country, two systems

    One country, two systems
    Britain and China sign joint Declaration under the conditions which Hong Kong will return to Chinese rules and regulation in 1997.Under the "one country, two systems".for 50 years after the Handover.
  • The massacre of pro-democracy

    The massacre of pro-democracy
    The massacre of pro-democracy demonstrators in Beijing's Tiananmen Square leads to calls for the introduction of further democratic safeguards in Hong Kong.
  • Hong Kong's post-handover

    Hong Kong's post-handover
    Beijing officially conforms Hong Kong's post-handover
  • Chris Patten-October

    Chris Patten-October
    Chris Patten becomes last British governor of Hong Kong, to see the country's handover.
  • 1992-December

    Hong Kong stock market crashes.
  • 1995

    Elections held for new government
  • Sars Virus

    Sars Virus
    Both China and Hong Kong are hit by the Sars virus-Severe acute respiratory a group of symptoms .Measures are enforced to stop the disease spreading.
  • Beijing

    Beijing says it will allow Hong Kong to elect its own leader in 2017 and their own law in 2020.
  • Yellow umbrella movement

    Yellow umbrella movement
    The umbrella movement is a political movement that emerged during the Hong Kong democracy protests of 2014.
  • Typhoon HATO!

    Typhoon HATO!
    The typhoon made a lot of destruction the damage was 4.1 billion.