Hong Kong History

By HiLona
  • Selling of Opium

    Selling of Opium
    2000 chests of opium are sold and traded to China.That time the didn't know much about health.They would just keep trading it and the British would get what thhey wanted like china and silk.
  • The end of the first Opium War

    The end of the first Opium War
    China hands Hong Kong Island over to Britain to stop more Opium from coming to China.Thousand of people from China flocked to Hong Kong to settle in the colony.
  • More space to Britain

    More space to Britain
    Kowloon Peninsula and Stonecutters Island are ceded to Britain
  • China leases New Territories

    China leases New Territories
    Britain "rents" the New Territories for 99 years.Britain wants Hong Kong because they have sheltered harbours which makes it easier to drop and take materials to trade.
  • The Japanese Invade during World War 2

    The Japanese Invade during World War 2
    The outbreak of war causes the residents of mainland China to flee back to there land and supplies like food and medicine were scarce.
  • Britain gains control(again)

    Britain gains control(again)
    After the bloody war, Britain is still in control of Hong Kong.
  • Hong Kong Rises

    Hong Kong Rises
    Hong Kong becomes financially strong and it is a major tourist attraction.
  • Shak Hip Mei Fire

    Shak Hip Mei Fire
    A huge fire ripped through and left 5300 homeless.
  • The Handover

    The Handover
    China agreed to the conditions and Hong Kong is Chinas once again.
  • SARS Disease

    SARS Disease
    Hong Kong is hit by a disease called SARS which stands for severe acute respiratory syndrome.SARS is a disease that makes you cough, have high fever and truoble in breathing.
  • The Umbrella Movement

    The Umbrella Movement
    Hundreds and thousands of Hong Kong residents took part in a large pro-democracy protest.
  • 20 Years

    20 Years
    Hong Kong marked 20 years since British rule.