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Hong Kong History

By pangs7
  • 1st Opium Wars

    1st Opium Wars
    Europe demanded Chinese goods so the European started an imbalance trade between Britain and China. European silver flowed into China through the Canton System which restricted incoming foreign trade to the southern port city of Canton. So they had to sell opium to people in China. But China didn't like that so they start a war.
  • 2nd Opium War

    There was a war which the British Empire and the French Empire were against the Qing dynasty of China.
  • End of Opium Wars

    The opium war ended.
  • Start of British Crown Rule

    Start of British Crown Rule
    China cedes Hong Kong to Britain for 99 years because China made a deal to stop the opium wars.
  • Pearl Harbour

    Pearl Harbour
    The japan army has bombed pearl harbour. After bombing pearl harbour the whole Hong Kong got bombed. Japan wants to rule the world so that was why they attacked.
  • Hong Kong Gives Up

    In Christmas Hong Kong surrendered to Japan. Now Japan owns HK so they change the name of the city and people all died because Japan is ruling HK. The education has also changed now they teach Japanese in schools.
  • Transportation and Currency

    Transportation and Currency
    In 1942 the buses was returned back then in 1943 the trains were back. All the currency was change from HK money to Japanese yen
  • Revenge

    America drops a atomic bomb in Japan, Hiroshima. Japan decided to give up Hong Kong because of that.
  • Victory

    HK is back to Britain, everybody celebrated.
  • Collecting Info in Post WW2

    They Write reports and ask questions.And if there are new reporters on tv they would explain in a way the viewers understand.They can also watch movies to collect info from that.They can also read books from the past and other people can help you if they know something.
  • Who made the changes happen?-Who was affected by the changes?

    The Government of Hk made the decisions to make changes in hk and people got to chose to agree and deny. Soldiers also had the ability to choose. Soldiers had to stand by the Government most of the times to keep him safe
  • End of British Corwn Rule

    China takes Hong Kong back after 99 years.
  • The Handover

    The Handover
    This is after Britain took over Hong Kong it lasts until now.