First Opium War
18th of march 1839 - 29th August 1942 -
Convention of Chuenpee
the result is that the preliminary cession of hong kong island to the United KIngdom. -
Treaty of Nanjing
As a result: cession of Hong Kong Island founded as a crown colony of the United Kingdom -
Second Opium War
Convention of Beijing
as a result: Cession of Kowloon (south of boundary street) -
Second Convention of Hong Kong
As a Result: Relese of new Terriorties (encluding new Kowloon) -
Great Hong Kong Typhoon
End of Japenese Occupation
Ocean Park
Kai Tak Airpot
closed 5th of july 1998 -
Hong Kong Internation Airport
opend 6th July 1998 -
Disneyland Opened