Hominids evolution timeline

  • 45,000 BCE

    Ardipithecus ramidus

    Ardipithecus ramidus
    It is the first known hominid. He lived 4.5 million years ago before Christ, in the jungles of Ethiopia. His brain and face were small and he wasn’t very aggressive. They ate fruits and leaves and we still don't know how they walked.
  • 40,000 BCE


    It is the first hominid that started walking with two legs and not with four. He created the genus “Homo”. It lived between 4 million years to 2 million years before Christ, in East and South of Africa. They had a small brain and they weren’t too big. They were vegetarians and their feet and hands were similar to those of current humans. They fed on fruits and vegetables and some animals they hunted.
  • 25,000 BCE

    Homo habilis

    Homo habilis
    It is the first species of the genus "Homo". It lived between 2.5 million years and 1.6 million years before Christ. They were originally from Africa. They hunted small animals, and they were omnivorous. They had a bigger brain and he was the first to make utensils.
  • 16,000 BCE

    Homo ergaster

    Homo ergaster
    He started using fire. It lived between 1.6 million years and 1.3 million years before Christ, in East and West of Africa. They had a bigger brain and were similar to current humans. He was hunter and omnivorous and they used more complex language and utensils.
  • 13,000 BCE

    Homo erectus

    Homo erectus
    They colonized Asia. It lived between 1,3 million years and 50.000 years before Christ. He lived in China and Asia. It was the first species to leave Africa. They had a bigger brain and hunted bigger animals. They made utensils and they kept them.
  • 8000 BCE

    Homo antecessor

    Homo antecessor
    They colonized Europe. He lived 800,000 years ago before Christ, in forest areas. They were hunters and collectors and made utensils with basic materials. They were omnivorous and cannibals. His face was very similar to that of current humans.
  • 5000 BCE

    Homo heidelbergensis

    Homo heidelbergensis
    They did the first rituals. It lived between 500,000 to 180,000 years ago before Christ, in Europe. He was omnivorous and had a strong body. They made stone utensils. They covered themselves with animal skins, because they lived in a cold climate and learned to make fire.
  • 2300 BCE

    Homo neanderthalensis

    Homo neanderthalensis
    They made fire, cared for the sick, and did rituals for the deads. He lived in places like Europe and Central Asia between the years 230,000 and 28,000 before Christ. They were very strong, they had a very big brain and they made stone utensils.
  • 1500 BCE

    Homo sapiens sapiens

    Homo sapiens sapiens
    It is the only species of hominid right now. This species appeared 150,000 years ago before Christ, and colonized the entire planet. We have improved the ability to communicate and intelligence. We can adapt to any habitat.
  • 500 BCE


    I have chosen to do this hominids evolution work because we study it in Biology and it is interesting to see how we have changed over time.