

  • Australopithecus Amanuensis (Lucy)

    Australopithecus Amanuensis (Lucy)
    Australopithecus Amanuensis (Lucy) lived 3-4 million years ago. They lived in Africa. They were three feet tall and walked on two legs(biped). They had no tools. There brain was 1/3 the size of modern day humans. They also had no speach.
  • Homo Habilis (Handy Man)

    Homo Habilis (Handy Man)
    Homo Habilis (Handy Man) lived 1.5-2 million years ago. They also lived in Africa. They were 4ft tall and had larger brains.Same as Lucy they were bipeds They were named “Handy Man” because they were the first to create simple tools with rock and stone. They lived in packs witch made them able to protect themselves better and hunt easier.
  • Homo Erectus (Upright Men)

    Homo Erectus (Upright Men)
    Homo Erectus (Upright Man) lived 1.8 million- 200,000 years ago. They lived in Asia and Europe. They were 5ft. Tall and bipeds. They also had big round and smooth foreheads, a large ridge above there eyes, and there jaw stuck out. They used hand axes and many other tools. Most importantly they had the ability to make fire. They were nomads so they had no home and moved from place to place.
  • Homo Sapiens (Wise Men)

    Homo Sapiens (Wise Men)
    Homo Sapiens (Wise Men) lived 230,000- 30,000 years ago. They lived in Africa, Near East, Europe, and parts of Asia. They were 5ft. And were much stronger than he other Habilis. They had larger brains and were bipeds. The Wise Men made over 60 different tools such as knives scrapers and spear points. These Wise Men were good at planning and survival.
  • Homo Sapeins Sapiens (Doubly Wise Man)

    Homo Sapeins Sapiens (Doubly Wise Man)
    Homo Sapeins Sapiens (Doubly Wise Man) lived 35,000-12,000 years ago. They lived in Europe, Asia, Australia, and North and South America. They had large brains and slender bones. They were 6ft. And were also bipeds. Doubly Wise Men were the first to make tools for engraving and sculpting. They were a lot smarter than Wise Men. They also migrated across many different land bridges.