hominid timeline

By Kvazq
  • Australopthecus Afarensis

    Australopthecus Afarensis
    Four million years ago the Austropultios Afarensis lived in a world we call earth. They roamed a place called africa .Like us the Austropitios Afarensis were bipeds also meaning two feet .In addition there Physical Traits meaning what they looked like and how tall they were. They existed with large producing forehead and jaw had a head and arms each three feet long. Who would have thought that the early humans had looks much like ours.
  • Homo Habilis

    Homo Habilis
    Homo Habilis were also ones who lived in africa and they were around about two million to 1.5 million years B.C.E. .Homo Habilis were four feet tall with large brains and made many tools such as roThey also just made easy simple tools and lived together like a herd of many sorts of animals.So Homo Habilis do have similar features like many in the past including the Homo Sapiens, Homo Erectus,and many more but they also had many special abilities of their own.
  • Homo Erectus

    Homo Erectus
    Up next is the Homo Erectus they lived for around one.eight million to now two hundred thousand years B.C.E. Living around the parts of Asia and Europe. One way to identify them is that they were tall and had strong pair of bones. The Homo Erectus had large brains like the Homo Habilis but a little more complex . Some complex tools that they made would inclued axes made specialy out of stone. There strong bones were very useful and when it can to buliding and making tools they were sucsessful.
  • Homo Sapiens

    Homo Sapiens
    Now we are coming to the Homo Sapiens in which lived from two hundred thousand to thiry thousand years B.C.E. They lived through Africa, near europe and also parts of Asia. The special feature that they had is the jaw. Some of the tools they had would inclued knives, scrapers,and spears. All used for hunting and trying to survive. The final words I have to say is that Homo sapiens have the big jaw that makes them stand out in their own special way.
  • Homo Sapiens Sapiens

        Homo Sapiens Sapiens
    To start of with I would like to say that the Homo Sapiens Sapiens lived from around thirty thousand to twelve thousand years B.C.E. Surving in areas like Africa, Europe, Asia, and Austrilia.They were more like us had the abilities similar to ours today and every day.We are biped and so were Austropitis Afransis and Homo Sapiens Sapiens. The Homo Sapiens Sapiens made tools such as spear throwers and the bow and arrows today we do not use those often.Their features are more like ours today.