Sahelanthropus tchadensis
Lived 6-7 million years ago in West-central Africa. French paleoanthropologist Michaela Brunt discovered Toumai and found a skull in the Great Valley Rift in 2001. This species is the hardest to classify but this is the first species to walk upright with two legs. -
Australopithecus afarensis
The Australopithecus afarensis lived approximetley 2.9-3.6 million years. They lived in East Africa: Hadar, Ethiopia, Great Rift Valley, Kenya, and Tanzania. Lucy was discovered by Donald Johansen in Hardar and he found a complete skeleton. She lived 3.2 million years ago. The Dikikia Baby was found 3.3 million years ago by a team led by Zeresenay Alemseged and they found a nearly comlete skeleton. They prove that bipedalism came before the larger brain. -
Australopithecus afarensis
The Australopithecus africanus lived about 3.3-2.1 million years ago nd lived in Southern Africa. The Taung Child was founded in 1924 by Raymond dart. He found the front of a skull, a jaw, and an endocranial cast. The foramen magnum was further forward suggesting its head was balanced above the spine making them move with an upright posture of a biped. They were also able to eat meat and hunted little animals. -
Homo habilis
They lived in Eastern and Southern Africa 2.4-1.4 million years ago. Twiggy was discovered 1.7 million years ago by Pete Nzube in Olduvai Gorge and contained information about teeth and skull fragments. This species is one of the earliest memeber of the genus homo. They are named "handy man" because this hominid is belived to have used tools for tasks. -
Homo erectus
The Homo erectus lived 1.89 million to 400,000 years ago founded in site of Ngandong and Sambungmacan, Java, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, ALgeria, Morocco, and China. Eugene Dubois discovered the Java Man in 1891 in Java, Indonesia. There was a cranium founded. They are the oldest known early humans to possess modern human-like body proportions. They lived much longer than any other living hominid because they were adaptive, complex diet and had fire. They also cared and tended for the weak. -
Homo neanderthalensis
They lived about 400,000-40,000 years ago in Europe and central Asia. The first discovery was in 1829, La Ferrassie by Louis Capitan and Denis Payrony in the La Ferrassie Cave, France. It was one of the largest and most comlete skull. They are our closest extinct human relatives. Thir brain capacity suggested they had the ability to communicate verbally and they buried their dead, They are the "cave men". And we share .004% DNA. -
Homo florsiensis
They lived 95,00 0to 17,000 years ago in Asia. LB-1 was a tiny female that lived up to 18,000 years ago there was a nearly complete skeleton. Only one site where the remains have been found: Liang Bua. A joint Indonesian- Australian research team hold name for the discovery. Bones and teeth found representing at least 12 of the H. Floresiensis. They are also known as the "hobbit". They used more modern tools and were a little hairer than the Neanderthalensis. -
Homo sapiens
The Homo sapiens evolved in Africa and now worldwide. They lived 200,00 years ago to present. They started in Africa. Cro- Magnon I was founded by Louis Laret in Cro-Magnon, France in 1868, and he found a skull. Skhul V in Mount Carmel, Israel in 1923. We all belong to this species. They hunted and athered food and evolved behaviors thatbhelped them respond to the challenges of survival in unstable environments. They are the sole surviving species.