Homero Gómez González

By Aldo DC
  • 1970

    Homero Gómez González was born and raised in El Rosario, Michoacán, Mexico, in a family dedicated to logging.
  • 1990

    Homero studied at the Autonomous University of Chapingo, where he graduated as an agricultural engineer.
  • 1990-2000

    After being initially skeptical, Homero began to get involved in conservation activities after seeing the effects of deforestation in his community and stopped cutting down trees and convinced others to do the same, contributing to the conservation of forests in El Rosario.
  • 2000

    Homero formulated the idea of ​​a monarch butterfly sanctuary and collaborated with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and scientists to establish it and assumed leadership roles in his community, as municipal president and commissioner of El Rosario, leading reforestation and conservation efforts.
  • 2010

    Homero became the manager of El Rosario Monarch Butterfly Preserve, promoting sustainable tourism and environmental preservation.
  • 2018-2019

    He stepped up his efforts against illegal logging, organizing patrols, marches and working with the government to support local farmers.
  • 2020

    On January 13, 2020, Homero Gómez González was reported missing. On January 20, 2020, the body of Homero Gómez González was found in a well in the community of El Soldado, Michoacán. It was speculated that his death was related to his activism against illegal logging and organized crime.