Home front us army poster


  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    Germany invades Poland, beginning WWII.
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    World War II

    World War II was one of the most significant events in the 20th century bringing leaps in technology and making the United States a financial powerhouse.
  • US Withholds Gas from Japan

    US Withholds Gas from Japan
    In response to continued Japanese aggression in China, the United States orders gasoline withheld from Japan, sparking protest from the Japanese government.
  • Thousands Drafted

    Thousands Drafted
    The first military draft numbers are drawn, sending thousands of draftees to drill camps all over the country.
  • Navy Cracks Japanese Code

    Navy Cracks Japanese Code
    United States Naval Intelligence cryptographers crack Japan's secret communications code and learn that Japan intends to conquer China.
  • Four Freedoms Speech

    Four Freedoms Speech
    FDR asked for increased authority to aid Britain; freedom of speech/expression, of religion, from want, from fear; resulted in Lend-Lease
  • US Aids Soviet Union

    US Aids Soviet Union
    The United States extends lend-lease aid to the Soviet Union.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    Japanese bombing of ships in harbor; resulted in FDR's request for declaration of war against Japan; Germany and Italy responded with declarations of war.
  • Japanese Internment Camps

    Japanese Internment Camps
    Japanese Internment CampsFear of Japanese-Americans as traitors, sent off (by law) to internment camps; removal of deemed threats in military areas.
  • The Manhattan Project

    The Manhattan Project
    The Manhattan project was a secret research and development project of the U.S to develop the atomic bomb. Its success granted the U.S the bombs that ended the war with Japan as well as ushering the country into the atomic era.
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    Scrap Metal Drives

    To build tanks, ships, planes, and weapons required massive amounts of metal. The United States called upon the public to donate any scrap metal found.
  • Zoot Suit Riots

    Zoot Suit Riots
    Racism riots against Mexican laborers (imported for jobs)