Home Consoles

By ifihbj
  • First home console (Magnavox Odyssey

  • Odyssey 100 releases with Pong and Hockey

  • Second generation consoles

  • Fairchild Video Entertainment System releases, first console with cartridges

  • Atari 2600 releases, best selling 2nd generation console

  • First handheld game console (Microvision)

  • Nintendo’s first game console (Game and Watch

    This is important because Nintendo then became one of the best video game and video game console company’s in the world
  • Atari console took off with space invaders

    Pun intended
  • North American video game crash

    Lots of video game company’s filed for bankruptcy or left the scene
  • Famicom released in Japan, first Nintendo non handheld console

    Then the famicom was tried to be released by Nintendo but it didn’t work so they released it as the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
  • Sega Master System released

    This was designed to compete with the NES but never did
  • Nintendo released the Game Boy

    This handheld dominated the market and was released with Tetris which to this day is one of the most sold video games of all time
  • Nintendo released SNES

  • Sega released Sonic the Hedgehog

    Sonic became a international icon much like Nintendo’s Mario
  • Nintendo 64 (first 3D game console for Nintendo)

  • Sony released the PlayStation 2 which became the most sold video game console ever

  • Nintendo Wii released

    The wii used motion tracking and IR tracking as inputs mainly for things like steering a car or playing sport
  • Sony release the Playstation 4

  • Nintendo switch lite released (most recent Nintendo console)