Home Appliances

  • Luxurious and modern looking items

    Luxurious and modern looking items
    Kettles were considered as "must haves" in a modernised and up to date kitchen
  • Disposable and Innovative items

    Disposable and Innovative items
    The Iron with a thermostat was considered an innovative and creative product was a choice of an iron over other regular irons
  • Wide range of Appliances

    Wide range of Appliances
    A wide range of appliances was considered essential during the time.
  • Convenience (items that made cooking faster)

    Convenience (items that made cooking faster)
    Food processors and ovens that made food cook faster were popular during this period of time, especially the microwave oven, known for its many uses
  • Efficiency and environmentally friendly

    Efficiency and environmentally friendly
    During this period, households aimed for products that were power efficient and friendly to the environment an environmental awareness occurred during this time.
  • Innovative, design and efficient

    Innovative, design and efficient
    Today, our society looks for new ideas in products and looks at the design of the product as the out shell of the product and its looks matter. Our society still looks for products that use less energy and are environmentally friendly