Holymolyguacmole's Timeline

By kariib
  • Holymolyguacmole's Magna Carta

    Holymolyguacamole's Magna Carta begin the first set of rules and laws and limitations to limit power.
  • The rise of the Parliment

    The Parliament had an limited presence. So a call was in place to the entire country of Holymolyguacamole to represent its citizens, we call this the representive body
  • Act of Supremacy passed in Holymolyguacamole

    Queen Kari has inacted separate authority from religion. Holymolyguacamole's government was now managed in both a political and religious way.
  • Queen Kari II crowned queen

    after the passing of Queen Kari, Queen Kari II takes the thrown. Her rule over Holymolyguacamole is a time at which the set up for the consitutuional monarchy began
  • Moly Bill of Rights

    The Moly Bill of Rights was a big leap for man in the final result of a constitutional monarchy in Holymolyguacamole