Holy Week

By kamrons
  • 30 BCE

    Jesus Clears The Temple

    Jesus returned to Jerusalem with his disciples the next morning. They were going to the Temple. Along the way, Jesus cursed a tree it was not bearing any fruit. This represents God's judgment on the spiritually dead religious leaders of Isreal. When Jesus walked into the temple he saw people selling stuff inside the temple. He did not like this, so he started flipping all the tables and saying this is God's house it is not meant for selling stuff it is for praying.
  • Palm Sunday

    Jesus told his disciples to go and get him a donkey because he was going to Jerusalem. So he was riding into Jerusalem and right at the gate were people with palm branches. The people were yelling Hosanna which means "God with us" and welcoming their new king. Then there were some people from the temple who didn't like this new king. They were wondering why he got this special attention. After this Jesus spent the night in Bethany and went to see Mary and Martha.