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Holy Land Foundation

  • FBI began surveillance of HLF

    FBI began surveillance of HLF
    FBI shared information with Israeli intelligence agencies. FBI collects vast information, but little to no concrete evidence.
  • IDF arrest and torture Muhammad Salah

    IDF arrest and torture Muhammad Salah
    After 45 days of torture, Muhammad Salah signs false statements in Hebrew, which he doesn't understand.
  • Dallas Morning News and other news media begin vilifying HLF

    Dallas Morning News and other news media begin vilifying HLF
    They cite Israeli sources.
  • Israel shuts down HLF office in Jerusalem

    Israel shuts down HLF office in Jerusalem
  • Israeli PM orders President GW Bush to shut down HLF

    Israeli PM orders President GW Bush to shut down HLF
    President George W Bush meets with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. During the meeting, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon told President Bush to shut down the Holy Land Foundation.
  • President George W. Bush issues Executive Order

    President George W. Bush issues Executive Order
    After meeting with Israeli prime minister, President George W. Bush issues an executive order to shut down HLF, seize all HLF assets and designate the organization as a terrorst organization with no due process, no trial and no mechanisms in place to challenge the designation.
  • HLF Defendants Indicted and Arrested

    HLF Defendants Indicted and Arrested
    After discovering that HLF did not send any money to HAMAS, the government charged the defendants under new and dangerously vague "material support" provisions passed under the USA Patriot Act.
  • UCC list published by Prosecutor Jim Jacks

    UCC list published by Prosecutor Jim Jacks
    Unindicted co-conspirators list named 246 individuals and organizations in violation of their Fifth Amendment due process rights. This is the largest Fifth Amendment violation in the history of the USA.
  • 1st Trial Begins

  • Judge Declares Mistrial - No Convictions

    Judge Declares Mistrial - No Convictions
    Despite the jury not arriving at a single guilty verdict, Judge Joe Fish declares a mistrial, giving the government another chance to put the defendants on trial.
  • 2nd Trial Begins

  • Jury Finds HLF Guilty

    Jury Finds HLF Guilty
    After a trial riddled with errors and civil liberty violations, a jury finds HLF defendants guilty on all 108 remaining charges.
  • Appeal Filed before the 5th Circuit

    Briefs filed detailing judicial errors in the HLF trials.
  • Oral Arguments before 5th Circuit

  • 5th Circuit Affirms Convictions, Dismisses Appeal

  • Attorneys file petition to rehear appeal en banc

    Attorneys for the Holy Land Foundation filed a petition for rehearing en banc (a request for a rehearing of an appeal by all sitting judges instead of a panel of three judges) .