Proposition 13 (approved by California voters on this day)
Picture Source California voters led a movement to lower property taxes. -
Camp David Accords: President Carter's greatest foreign policy triumph, a peace treaty signed between Anwar Sadat, Egytian president and Menachem Begin, Israeli Prime Minister.
Iran Hostage Crisis: President Carter's greatest foreign policy crisis
Picture Source The Iran Hostage Crisis occured in Iran when the United States backed Shah and was overthrough in an Uslamic revolution headed by the religious leader Ayatollah Khomeini. REvolutionaries took 52 American hostages form the U.S. Embassy and held them for 444 days (until January 20, 1981). -
Afghanistan was invaded by the Soviet Union
Picture Source Cater placed an embargo of grain exports on the U.S.S.R. and had the U.S. boycott the 1980 Mascow Olympics. -
Strategic Defense Initiative (SID) or "Star Wars"
Picture Source President Reagan funded an initiative to develop a system to intercept and destroy nuclear missiles. -
President Reagan won the reelection
Picture Source He defeated Democrat Walter Mondale and his running mate Geraldine Ferraro. -
Reagan Doctrine: to build up the military and aid those opposed to communism.
Picture Source The United States gave aid to Afghan revels (Mujahadeen) fighting Soviet occupies and to Contras who sought to overthrow the socialist Sandinista government to Nicaragua. -
Iran-Contra Scandal
Picture Source
(Picture is Oliver North) Members of Reagan's administration such as Colonel Oliver North secretly sold weapons to Iran in exhange for the relaese of U.S. hostages in the Middle East. Money from the sales was given to the Contras after Congress had forbiden it.
Ended March 4, 1987. -
President Reagan met with the new Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev and signed the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty
George H. W. Bush won election over Democrat Michael Dukakis.
Picture Source H. W. Bush called for a "compassionate conservatism" in his domestic policy. -
Americans with Disailtities Act (ADA) Effective
Picture Source ADA forbid discriminatin and mandated access to public places in regards to persons with physical or mental disablities. -
Operation Desert Storm
Picture Source The United States organized a U.N. coalition of forces to expel Iraq from Kuwit in the Persian Gulf War.
General Norman Schwarzkopf led the war.
Colin Powell was Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who organized it.
The Iraquis were defeated in 100 hours and Kuwait was liberated, but the U.S. stopped short of overthrowing Saddam Hussein after achieving its stated objective of liberating Kuwait. -
The North American Free Trade Agreement came into force.
Picture Source Abbreviated N.A.F.T.A. The United States joined Mexico and Canada in forming this to promote free trade and increase U.S. exports so as to compete with the European Union. -
World Trade Organization (WTO) oficially commenced
Picture Source The WTO formed to settle trade disputes between nations. Critics of these programs fear the loss of U.S. unskilled jobs to cheaper overseas labor. -
Domestic Terrorism: Timothy McVeigh exploded a truck bomb...
Picture Source ... at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City =, Oklahoma and killed 168 civilians. This was intended as revenge for federal actions at Ruby Ridge and the Branch Dravidian compound. McVeigh and other members of militias distrusted the power of the federal government. -
Al Qaida launched bombing aganist the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania
Picture Source
(the man in the picture is the one that was behind the bombings) Terrorists were angery over the presence of U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia. -
Picture Source
(picture is the memorial built were the towers stood) Four plans were hijaked in a terrorist attack on the United States. Two were crashed into the World Trade Center Towers and one into the Pentagon. The attack was launched by an Islamic group called Al Qaida led by Osama Bin Laden. -
Department of Homeland Security
Picture Source This was created to coordinate government agencies in the war on terrorism.