holocausts time line

By z.j
  • Hitler takes power

    Hitler takes power
    The new president of Germany appointed Hitler as chancellor as a way to keep in good graces with the nazi power
  • The creation of the camps

    The creation of the camps
    He started the creation of the concentration camps so he could carry out his plans with the Jews as fast as possible
  • Jews citizenship taken

    Jews citizenship taken
    hitler enacts the Nuremberg laws taking the citizenship of the Jews so he could keep them from leaving Germany
  • Night of the broken glass

    Night of the broken glass
    After the Germany diplomat was shot the Germanys rampaged through the Jewish side of town and broke and robbed the Jewish.
  • Hitler invades Poland

    Hitler invades Poland
    Hitler invades Poland to regain lost territory
  • Jews are sent to the ghettos

    Jews are sent to the ghettos
    The first Jews are sent into the ghettos
  • the extermination camps start

    the extermination camps start
    Hitler gives the order to start killing off any Jews that were considered useless to him
  • The death of Adolf Hitler

    The death of Adolf Hitler
    Adolf Hitler kills him and his wife ending WWII