
By Noakre
  • adolf hitlers rise to power

    adolf hitlers rise to power
    Adolph Hitler began his rise to power by becoming the leader of the Nazi party in 1921
  • Hitler appointed chancellor of Germany

    Hitler appointed chancellor of Germany
    Adolph Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany on January 30th, 1933, He began immediately, ordering a rapid expansion of the state police, the Gestapo, and putting Hermann Goering in charge of a new security force to get rid of politics
  • the Night of Broken glass

    the Night of Broken glass
    On November 9 10, 1938, the Nazi regime coordinated a wave of antisemitic violence in Nazi Germany where an estimated 91 Jews were killed.
  • The start of WW2

    The start of WW2
    On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland and the Nazis took over some of Europe France and Britain declared war on Germany, beginning World War II
  • during WW1

    during WW1
    there was fighting on both the eastern and western fronts of World War II Hilter and invaded the Soviet Union which represented a decisive breaking of the 1939 Nazi-Soviet pact
  • The final solution

    The final solution
    The final solution was the plan of genocide of all the Jews created by the Nazis. The Nazi leaders envisioned killing 11 million Jews as part of the Final Solution.They succeeded in killing 6 million
  • The end of WW2

    The end of WW2
    WW2 ended in 1945 when the Japanese surrendered to the united states making it a win for the allied powers
  • The end of the holocaust

    The Nazis killed over 6 million Jews and when the allies discovered it the only thing that was left was corpses the ones who survived were suffering from starvation and diseases and they conducted trials and they were accused of their crimes