
  • Hitler is appointed Chancellor

    Hitler is appointed Chancellor
    Hindenburg appointed Hitler Chancellor in 1933 because at the last election he received 38% of the vote. He did this to appease Hitler's supporters and bring unity to Germany.
  • Hitler becomes Leader

    Hitler becomes Leader
    With the death of German President Paul von Hindenburg, Chancellor Adolf Hitler becomes the absolute dictator of Germany.
  • Nuremberg Laws

    Nuremberg Laws
    Hitler enforced Anti-Jewish laws (Nuremberg laws). An example of one is, Jews were no longer considered German citizens.
  • Hitler searches through citizens family tree.

    Hitler searches through citizens family tree.
    Hitler had created race laws, the laws prohibited marriage and sexual relationships between Jews and non-Jews, and restricted future German citizenship to those of “German or kindred blood”. It also excluded those deemed to be “racially” Jewish or Roma (Gypsy).
  • Hitler and Mussolini

    Hitler and Mussolini
    Hitler and Mussolini formed the Rome-Berlin Axis. The Rome-Berlin Axis is a military alliance between the two fascist countries Italy and Germany. These two countries promised to support each other if another war happened.
  • Start of Aryanization

    Start of Aryanization
    Aryanization was the forced expulsion of Jews from business life in Nazi Germany. Jewish owners forced, without legal basis, to sell their businesses, in most cases considerably below the value of their goods.
  • Kristallnacht

    Jewish shops were looted and ransacked. 91 Jews were killed and thousands of Jewish men were taken to concentration camps. This event became known as Kristallnacht.
  • First Ghetto for the Jews

    First Ghetto for the Jews
    A ghetto was a street or quarter of a city set apart as a residential area for Jews. Jews were forced to move into the ghettos, where living conditions were miserable. Ghettos were often enclosed districts that isolated Jews from the non-Jewish population and from other Jewish communities.