Period: to
Nazi Party
Nazi Party Won Reichstag Election
President Von Hindenburg despised Hitler and appointed Franz Von Papen as his Chancellor -
Adolf Hitler Becomes Chanceller of Germany
Hitler is Voted the Chancellor of Germany -
Jews are Prohibited From Being Newspaper Editors
Jews are Banned from the German Labor Front
Jews are not Allowed National Health Insurence
Jews are Prohibited from getting Legal Qualifications
President Von Hindenburg Dies; Hitler Becomes the Fuhrer
Hitler Receives 90% Yes Vote from German Voters Approving His New Powers
Jews are Banned from Serving in the Military
Jewish Performers/Artist Forced to Join Jewish Cultural Union
Nuremberg Race Laws Against Jews decreed
German Gestapo is Placed Above the Law
SS Deathshead Division is Established to Guard Concentration Camps
Olympic Games Start in Germany
Hitler and top Nazis seek to gain legitimacy through favorable public opinion from foreign visitors and thus temporarily refrain from actions against Jews -
Jews are Banned From Many Profenssional Occupations
Jews cant be teachers, dentist, accountants ect. -
'Eternal Jew' travelling exhibition opens in Munich.
Nazi Troops Enter Austria
Nazis prohibit Aryan 'front-ownership' of Jewish businesses
Jews are Ordered to Register Wealth and Property
Jewish Pupils are Expelled from all Non-Jewish German Schools
Jews Forced to Hand Over all Gold and Silver
Paris is Aquired by Nazis
Nazis Invade Russia
German Jews Cannot Hold Government Jobs
Nazis Invades Poland
Jews in Germany are Forbidden to be Outdoors After 8 p.m. in Winter and 9 p.m. in Summer
Britian and France Declare War on Germany
Soviet Troops Invade Eastern Europe
Forced Labor Decree Issued for Polish Jews Aged 14 to 60
Romania, Hungary, Slovakia Become Nazi Allies
Yellow Stars Required to be Worn by Polish Jews Over Age 10
Nazis Invade France
Warsaw Ghetto Containing 400,000 Jews is Sealed Off
German Jews Forced Into Labor
Japanese Attack United States at Pearl Harbor. The Next Day the U.S. and Great Britain Declare War on Japan
The U.S. and Great Britain Declare War on Japan
SS Leader Heydrich is Mortally Wounded by Czech Underground Agents
Heydrich Dies of His Wounds
Sterilization Experiments on Women at Birkenau Begin
SOMETIME IN 1943 Jews Killed By SS Passes 1 Million
First Resistance by Jews in the Warsaw Ghetto
Germans Surrender to Russian Troops at Stalingrad in the First Big Defeat of Hitler's Armies
German and Italian Troops surrender to Allied forces in North Africa
Allied Troops Land in Sicily
Two hundred Jews Escape from Treblinka Extermination Camp During a Revolt. Nazis then Hunt Them Down One by One
Russian Troops Reach Former Polish Border
D-Day The Allied Forces Landed at Normandy on France's Northern Coast
Russians Liberate First Concentration Camp at Majdanek
Anne Frank, Family, and Others are Arrested by the Gestapo in Amsterdam, then Sent to Auschwitz
Last Use of Gas Chambers at Auschwitz
SOMETIME IN 1945 The Nazis Conduct Death Marches as Allied Forces Advance
Warsaw Liberated By Russians
Anne dies of typhus After Anne and Her Sister Margot are Later Sent From Auschwitz to Bergen-Belsen
Russians Reach Berlin
U.S. 7th Army Liberates Dachau
Unconditional Surrender Signed By General Alfred Jodl at Reims