People were excited, celebrating war. War ended up being terrible especially for Germans. Hitler was in WWI. ¨Great war¨ ¨War to end all wars¨ -
Treaty of Versailles
The outcome of WWI was Germany lost, bad. They're economy was down, they had no leader, and no power. It ended up leading to the holocaust because they were in need. They didn't know what to believe but they decided to believe Hitler. He blamed and hated the Jews. Everyone else did now too. That made most/all people be okay with the concentration camps and sending them to the Ghettos. They lost land, lost military, pay back to countries/winners. LOST A LOT. -
Prices rises SOOO fast, it gets out of control. Price of bread in Germany 2lb loaf of bread-
December 1920-2.37 marks
December 1921-3.90 marks
December 1922-163.15 marks
January 1923-250 marks
April 1923-474 marks
July 1923-3,465
August 1923-69,000
September 1923-1.512 million marks
October 1923-1.743 billion marks
November 1923-201 billion marks
December 1923-399 billion marks -
Beerhall Putsch
Hitler attempts to over through the German government. Arrest fest
Period: to
Germany had a republic style government
Republic-leaders made all decisions and worked for the people without what they wanted in hand. Voting Nazis into office The President was a popular war hero named Hindenburg but his health began to fail him in the early 1930ś -
Hitler On Trial
Uses trial to give huge speech further blaming Jews for problems of Germany -
Anne Frank Is Born
Anne Frank is born with the parents of Otto Frank and Edith Frank -
Hitler Becomes Chancellor of Germany
Germany had just lost WWI and he had stepped up. Hitler was a very smart man who could move crowds with the way he spoke. He would speech and then find ways to earn people's trust.
How had hitler gained support and worked his was up to chancellor?
eliminate political rivals to be head of Nazi
rising popularity of Nazis forced Hindenburg to give home some power -
Period: to
The holocaust was a period of time wear the Nazi party directed by Adolf Hitler murdered 6 million Jews (1.5 million under the age of 12). 11 million people. 5 million undesirables. The government was talking over with Adolf Hitler promising a better life and a great German nation. -
Enabling Act of March
Basically gives power of decision making to Hitler.
Within a few months, all other political parties besides the Nazis were eliminated
This allowed Hitler to get rid of all his rivals
At this time, we see and OFFICIAL BOYCOTT OF JEWISH BUSINESSES as well Boycott- Give up one thing to prove a point. Stop dealing with or buying something. -
Reichstag Fire Of February
Hitler blames communists for fire -
Nuremberg Laws
The Kristallnacht is also know as "The Night Of The Broken Glass". The first main act of violence towards the Jews. People went on a rampage trying to hurt and damage their property. -
Euthanasia Program
systematically killing those deemed "unworthy of life" due to physical disability or mental illness. Trying to create a perfect future generation. -
Germany Invades Poland
War Starts -
Zyclon B
Period: to
Wannsee Conference
Nazi leader approve the ¨FINAL SOLUTION¨ or plan to EXTERMINATE THE JEWS -
Period: to
Mobile Killing Squads or ¨Action Kommandos¨ As the army advanced into the Soviet Union, these groups would round up Jews from the newly occupied areas and kill them... usually by shooting. The largest mass-killing by Einsatzgruppen on record was at Babi Yar in Ukraine. 33,000 people were killed in just under 2 days. The Nazis moved away from the Einsatzgruppen or ¨Mobile Killing Units¨ and planned to use death camps. -
Anne Frank's Family Goes Into Hiding
Anne Frank went into hiding so they could avoid being captured by the Jews. They went into hiding with Mr. and Mrs. Vandan and their son and someone else who come in late. They went into hiding above Mr. Franks business behind a book case. -
Mr. Dussel Moves Into The Secret Annex.
Describe Mr. Dussel and how people react to this 8th resident moving in -
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
Residents smuggled weapons in
Uprising lasted for about a month
SS troops arrested and deported residents after the uprising. -
Period: to
Camp Rebellions
Prisoner fought back at death camps...
Treblinka (August 1943) Sobibor (Oct 1943)
After stealing weapons from guards, prisoners tired to escape. Most were killed but a few dozen made it out and survived the war. Auschwitz-Birkenau (1944)
Members of Sonderkommando working in the crematorium fought SS guards killing over 70, but all 250 as well as 200 others were killed in response. -
Period: to
Death Marches
allies advancing toward death camps
Nazi evacuate prisoners, march them into Germany to avoid capture
Brutal treatment and harsh conditions along the way. -
Secret Annex is discovered and captured by Nazis.
Describe how the Franks, VDs etc. got caught by the Nazis -
Liberation of Concentration Camps
Liberation of Concentration Camps was when the America, England, and other countries came to help set the Jews in the concentration camps free. The Jews didn't know where they're family was and also didn't have anywhere to go. For years they would look for family. -
War Ends/Hitler Dies
Hitler Commits suicide rather than face capture by the Soviet Red Army Germans surrenders within a week. -
Anne's Death Is Confirmed To Otto Frank
Describe what the last few months of her life was like. Where did she go, what happened, and how did she die? -
Mr. Frank Returns To The Annex And Finds Anne's Diary
Mr. Frank came back to annex after everything has happened. He saw all of his old things and almost started crying. All of his memories were here. At first he wanted to burn everything until Meip handed him Anne's Diary. Anne's Diary was so meaningful and popular for so many people because it was her actual words and how much she had suffered. -
Period: to
Nuremberg Trails
The allies and the international community put a number of Germans on trial for War Crimes, Crimes against Peace and Crimes Against Humanity. -
Period: to
Surviving Jews
Displaced Persons Camps DP Camps
Areas for former prisoners to stay while searching for a family and a permanent place to live