Holocaust Unit

By graceo
  • Germans happy for war

    Germans happily were about to enter WWI
  • Germany loses WWI

    Germany surrenders to its allies and lost WWI
  • Treaty of versailles

    This was after WW I when Hitler started convincing vulnerable Germany.
  • Hyper Inflation

    The inflation rate was rising too fast and out of control. Price of bread in Germany.
  • Beerhall Putsh

    Hitler attempts to overthrow the German government. This is when Hitler decides to show up. (FAILURE)
  • Hitler on Trial

    Uses trial to give huge speech further blaming Jews for problems of Germany.
  • Period: to

    Republic style government

    Germany's government style switches to republic
  • Anne Frank's birth

  • Great Depression

  • Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany

    Hitler, the dictator of Germany, gained a lot of power to become dictator. He eliminated political rivals to be head of the Nazis. When he was rising the popularity of the Nazis, that forced Hindenburg to give him some power
  • Reichstag Fire

    Hitler blames communists for the fire.
  • Enabling act of March

    He gave power of decision making to Hitler so he got rid of all other political parties and got rid of his rivals.
  • Period: to


    The Holocaust is the great destruction resulting in the extensive loss of life. It lasted 10 years and killed 6 million jews, 1.5 million children under 12, and 5 million other undesirables. 11 Million were killed total. A lot of deaths were from suicide and concentration camp
  • Nuremberg Laws

    Nazis needed a way to identify Jews so they could discriminate them. Nuremberg Laws defined people with 3 or 4 Jewish Grandparents as "Jewish" and 1 or 2 as "Mixed Blood"
  • Kristallnacht

    Kristallnacht was the first night of violence towards the Jews.
  • Ghettos started

    They started rounding up millions of Jews and placing them in ghettos.
  • Period: to

    World War II

  • Euthanasia Program

    Systematically killing those deemed "unworthy of life" due to either physical disability or mental illness.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    World War II begins
  • First "Death Camp"

    This is where they locked people up in rooms w/ running car fuel that kills you. It was very slow and inefficient
  • Experimenting w/ Zyklon B

    This is a gas that is used for mass extermiation. THis would becom the Nazis "preferred method" for the Auschwitz camp.
  • Wannsee Conference

    Nazi Leaders approve the final solution or plan to EXTERMINATE the Jews. Which means, killing every single Jew.
  • Period: to


    Mobile Killing Squads or "Action Kommandos" is how they tried to exterminate the Jews. As the army advanced into he Soviet Union, these groups would round up Jews from the newly occupied areas and kill them... usually by shooting. The largest mass-killing by Einsatzgruppen on record was at Babi Yar in Ukraine. 33,000 people were killed in just under 2 days.
  • Frank's go to hiding

  • Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

    • Residents smuggled weapons in
    • Uprising lasted for about a month
    • SS troops arrested and deported residents after the uprising ended.
  • Period: to

    Camp Rebelions

    Prisoners start uprisings!
  • Period: to

    Death Marches

    • Allies advancing toward death camps
    • Nazis evacuated prisoners, march them into Germany to avoid capture
    • Brutal treatment and harsh conditions along the way
  • Liberation of concentration camps

    Concentration camps - Camps where the Jews got moved to. They were either killed right away, or worked to death. If you didn't do your commands, then you would be harshly punished or killed.
  • Anne Frank's death

    Anne Frank died from the holocaust at the Bergen-Belson concentration camp in Germany.
  • Free At Last!!!

    Camps throughout Europe are liberated by Allies forces.
  • Hitler commits suicide

    Hitler commits suicide rather than face capture by the Soviet Red Army. Germany surrendered withing a week in the war.
  • D.P. Camps

  • Nuremberg Triles