Holocaust Timeline

  • 1933: Hitler's year

    1933: Hitler's year
    On January 30, 1933 Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany by President Hindenburg. The Nazi state quickly became a regime and citizens weren't guaranteed basic rights. The first concentration camp was established. The German Parliament also enabled the Enabling Act, which paved the way for Hitler's dictatorship and the Nazification of Germany.
  • 1939-1941: The begining of the end

    1939-1941: The begining of the end
    On September 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland, which started off a series of unfortunate events. And the Holocaust was in full effect, too. The Germans confiscated Jewish property, were forced into labor camps, and were sent to live in Ghettos. In 1941, Germany turned on its ally; the Soviet Union.
  • 1942-1945: Fighting for a solution

    1942-1945: Fighting for a solution
    Tensions were high and there was fighting on both the eastern and western fronts of World War II, and Germany was on the pursuit for a "Final Solution." Through these years, millions of Jews were sent to concentration camps and killed in gas chambers. Near the end of the war in the spring 1945, the Axis powers were backed into a corner by the Allies, and Germany was exposed for their crimes committed during the Holocaust.
  • 1945: Oh God is it finally over?

    1945: Oh God is it finally over?
    In May of 1945, Germany had murdered over 6 million people, a good majority of these people being Jewish. When the Allies found out about how back the Holocaust was, the Holocaust survivors were housed in displaced persons camps.