Holocaust Timeline IG, KD

  • Schutzstaffel Organized

    Founded by Adolf Hitler and was used as his secret service or bodyguards. They were one of the most feared organizations in the world and would make people listen to the Nazis.
  • Reichszentrale is created

    The main organization for combatting homosexuality and abortion. They would either kill or send people who were homosexual or got an abortion to a death camp.
  • Boycott of jewish businesses

    All German citizens boycotted Jewish businesses so Jewish people stopped making money. They marked businesses with stars so people would know not to go there
  • Law for Prevention of Hereditary diseases

    This was a law made by the Nazi's saying that they could kill people with diseases or disabilities. This was to prevent offspring from being disabled mentally or physically.
  • Hitler claims emergency powers

    Hitler was the Chancellor of Germany and the Economy was going down hill so Hitler claimed all power saying he will fix the debt. He was supposed to give the power back but he never did.
  • Hitler becomes Chancellor

    President Paul von hindenburg decided to appoint Adolf Hitler as Chancellor of Germany. Eventually he would take over Germany as the Chancellor.
  • Law against dangerous habitual laws

    This was a law that sex offenders could be castrated of sent to prison for life. Now sex offenders could get life imprisonment.
  • Nuremburg laws

    These were Race laws against certain people so they could not own certain things and they would become poor. This was mostly for jews and homosexual people.
  • Occupation of Rhineland

    Hitler sent his military to occupy the Rhineland which is a demlitarized zone. Captured jews in the area.
  • Kristallnacht

    The night where Nazis raided Jewish shops and broke all the shops windows. This was the start of the holocaust for the Jewish people.
  • St. Louis ship with jews

    A German liner filled with Jews who fled Nazi Germany. They were Rejected by countries and sent back.
  • Start of the Einsatzgruppen

    This was a group of Nazi's mostly SS. They were responsible for most mass killings usually by shooting prisoners and Jews.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany Invaded Poland and took the country in about 3 weeks. This marked the start of WWII
  • Auschwitz Opens

    The concentration camp Auschwitz opens. Auschwitz is a complex of over 40 concentration and execution camps. It was in Poland during World War II.
  • Madagascar plan

    German plan to relocate Jews to the island of madagascar. Moved middle European Jews to the small island of Madagascar.
  • Lodz ghetto opens

    One of the biggest production areas in poland while under German occupation. Many polish Jews were forced into unpaid labor.
  • The commisair order

    Hitler sent an the commisair order out to all of his generals. This was the order to shoot and kill all soviet generals.
  • Babi Yar

    Babi Yar is a ravine in the Ukrainian capital Kyiv and a site of massacres carried out by German forces during their campaign against the Soviet Union in World War II. The first, and best documented, of the massacres took place on 29–30 September 1941, killing approximately 33,771 Jews.
  • Wannsee conference

    This was a conference for all German officials to meet in Berlin. This was a meeting about the extermination of Jews.
  • Yellow star for German Jews

    The yellow star was issued to German jews so people knew who were Jewish and who is not. Helped people know where to shop.
  • Creation of the Zigeunerlager

    the Gypsy family camp known as the Zigeunerlager (Gypsy camp), which existed for 17 months, was set up in the Auschwitz-Birkenau sector BIIe. The deportation of the Sinti and Roma began in February 1943 and continued until July 1944.
  • Dr. Josef Mengele arrives at Auschwitz

    This doctor was insane and did many inhumane experiment on Prisoners especially children. He killed many Jews trying to change their race.
  • Hitler orders liquidation of ghettos

    All of the ghettos they had under control had all people sent to the nearest labor and death camps. This meant mass killings and way more people died because of this.
  • Last gassing at Auschwitz

    A group of 300-400 people were gathered in the chambers and killed. This was a big group of Jewish prisoners.
  • Liberation of Auschwitz

    Auschwitz was liberated by the red army. This was liberated with around 800 inmates left in the camp.
  • Heinrich Himmler orders destruction of Auschwitz

    The Soviets were approaching the Nazi death camp so they were ordered to destroy it. This was an attempt to hide the mass killings and torture in the camp.
  • International Military Tribunal

    This was post war in Germany when 24 Nazi officials were held on trial. These men were all tried by an international court for war crimes.
  • Hitler Commits suicide

    He was in a bunker in Germany when soviets were approaching so he shot himself. Now no one could get justice for what he did.
  • Adolf Eichmann captured

    Adolf Eichmann was a member of the Nazi party who fled to Argentina to escape capture from the allies. He was found in 1960 and hung in 1962.
  • Dr. Josef Mengele dies

    The mad doctor fled to Brazil under the name Wolfgang Gerhard. Eventually he had a stroke off the coast of Brazil and drowned.