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Holocaust Timeline

  • January 1933

    January 1933
    Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party raised in popularity. They immediately began to use the government to discriminate against Jews by making laws and rules.
  • January 30th

    January 30th
    Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany which increased his already large amounts of power. The Nazi's assumed power of the whole German state.
  • April 7th

    April 7th
    German's law excludes Jews from anything political. They also exclude Jews and other political parties from civil service positions.
  • July 14th

    July 14th
    German law forced Jewish men to get sterilized so they could no longer have children. They also sterilized individuals that looked different in any way in hope to create the perfect looking race.
  • August 2nd

    August 2nd
    On August 2nd, Hitler became the official chancellor of Germany, giving him even more rule and control over the German citizens.
  • August 19th

    August 19th
    On August 19th, Adolf Hitler becomes the official dictator of the entire German country. This gives Hitler absolute power everything and every decision made.
  • September 15th

    September 15th
    This day was the day on which Hitler passed the Nuremburg Laws. This solidified the absolute segregation of Jews and Germans.
  • November 12th

    November 12th
    A few years later, a law is passed that closes all Jewish businesses and jobs. This put the Jews out of jobs and caused a lot of poverty amongst them.