Holocaust Timeline

  • Hitler Takes Control

    Hitler Takes Control
    Hitler takes control of Germany when the Senate passed the "Enabling Act" which gave Hitler full emergency control of Germany after a supposed Communist attempt of setting fire to the Reichstag.
  • Boycott of Jewish Stores

    Boycott of Jewish Stores
    The Nazis initiated a boycott of Jewish shops and businesses but were meaningless due to many Germans continuing to enter Jewish stores; the boycott was called off after 24 hours.
  • Nuremberg Laws

    Nuremberg Laws
    Laws set in by the Nazis to separate Jews from Germans
  • Kristallnacht / "Night of Broken Glass"

    Kristallnacht / "Night of Broken Glass"
    Took place at night during Nov. 9th-10th. Synagogues were vandalized and burned, 7,500 Jewish businesses were damaged or destroyed, 96 Jews were killed, and nearly 3,000 Jewish men were arrested and sent to concentration camps.
  • Beginning of the War

    Beginning of the War
    The invasion of Poland began on Sep. 9th, 1939, to October 6th, 1936, and resulted in Germany taking control of Poland. Because the German army invaded and conquered Poland, sections of Warsaw laid in ruins and Europe was pulled into World War II.
  • Preserved Evidence

    Preserved Evidence
    Through 1942 to 1943, people buried documents in metal containers to preserve a record of Nazi crimes for future generations.
  • Death Marches

    Death Marches
    After the Allies started advancing towards Germany, the Germany stared to move the prisoners out of the camps near the front and take them to be used as forced laborers in camps inside Germany due to their military forces collapsing. Those who could not move were shot.
  • The Discovery of Concentration Camps

    The Discovery of Concentration Camps
    After the Allies started to get into Germany, they started to discover concentration camps. American troops were the first to find a concentration camp, some had bodies laying on the ground, while others had survivors.