Holocaust Timeline

  • Hitler appointed chancellor of Germany

    Hitler appointed chancellor of Germany
    -Hitler begins dismantling Germany's democratic system
    -German parliament passes enabling act giving Hitler dictatorial powers
    -First concentration camp is made (Dachau)
  • Nazi government passes antisemitic Nuremburg "race laws"

    Nazi government passes antisemitic Nuremburg "race laws"
    "the law of protecting German blood and German honor" (regarding Jewish marriage and "the Reich citizenship law" (designating jews as subjects)
  • German troops enter Austria

    German troops enter Austria
    • on November 9th and 10th, the Nazi government incites mobs to riot against jews, loot jewish businesses, and burn synagogues -Mouthausen concentration camp is built in austria -Jews are expelled from school
  • World War II begins

    World War II begins
    -World War II begins when the Germans invade Poland; England and France declare on war on Germany
    -All jews in poland are ordered to be gathered in Ghettos near railroads to begin the "final goal"
    -yellow starts required to be worn by polish jews over age 10
    -evacuation of jews from Vienna
    -forced labor decree issued for polish jews aged 14 to 60
  • Nazi Allies

    Nazi Allies
    -Germany invades Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Holland, and Luxembourg
    -Germany, Italy, and Japan sign the Tripartite (Axis) pact
    -Hungary, Romania, and Slovakia become Nazi allies
    -Deportation of 29,000 German Jews form Baden, the Saar, and Alsace-Lorraine into Vichy France
    -First deportation of German Jews into occupied Poland
  • Final solution

    Final solution
    -The first death camp in Poland begins operation
    -Japanese attack on pearl harbor; USA declares war on Japan and Germany
    -Nazi troops invade Soviet Union
    -Auschwitz is chosen for the purpose of the "final solution"
    -The first test use of Zyklon-B gas at Auschwitz
    -Auschwitz begins a massive expansion that would add 100,000 prisoners in Birkenau
  • Hitler's First major loss

    Hitler's First major loss
    -United Nations War Crimes were established
    -Nazis ordered all gypsies arrested and sent to extermination camps
    -Germans surrender to Russian troops at Stalingrad in the first big defeat of Hitler's armies
    -Two hundred Jews escape Treblinka extermination camp during a revolt
    -A massive escape from Sobibor occurs
  • Hitler's end

    Hitler's end
    -Nazi conduct death marches of concentration camp inmates away from outlying areas
    - US, British, and Russian troops liberate concentration camps
    -Hitler commits suicide in his Berlin bunker
    -Opening of Nuremberg International Military Tribunal