Holocaust Timeline

  • Law for Restoration of The Professional Civil Service

    Law for Restoration of The Professional Civil Service
    German's begin to exclude the Jews and other political opponents from serving in any civil positions.
  • Laws Limits Jews in Public Schools

    Laws Limits Jews in Public Schools
    Laws begin to remove Jewish children from public schools and Unviersitys
  • Book Burning

    Book Burning
    All books not written by Germans are determined 'un-german' and burned in large fires
  • Hitler Abolishes Presidential Office

    Hitler Abolishes Presidential Office
    Hitler becomes the absolute ruler of Germany
  • Nuremberg Race Laws

    Nuremberg Race Laws
    A wave of laws that targeted Jews and brought immediate and definite segregation
  • Law on Alteration of Personal and Family Names

    Law on Alteration of Personal and Family Names
    A German law that Jews bearing first names of “non-Jewish” origin to add: “Israel” for men and “Sara” for women.
  • German Jews' Passports declared invalid

    German Jews' Passports declared invalid
    All Jewish passports were now invalid and for them to be validated must be stamped with a J
  • Kristallnacht

    Members of the Nazi party and organizations burn synagogues and steal from Jewish homes and villages, and kill at least 91 jews