Hitler Become Chancellor
Hitler and the Nazi party gained lots of ground in the government along with the communist party. Hitler intimidated many of his rivals due to his "thuggish nature". At first Hindenburg did not want to appoint Hitler as chancellor but later Franz Von Papen convinced Hindenburg to appoint Hitler as chancellor. Von Papen thought that he could control Hitler's "brutal tendencies". -
Hilter Becomes Chancellor Continued
Impact on Progression of Holocaust:
Once Hitler was appointed chancellor, this allowed Hitler to do as he wanted which was to exterminate Jews, gain territory and create his master race. -
The Final Solution
Experts agree that there is no one date when the Final Solution began but most agree that it started once Hitler came into power. The Final Solution is the extermination of all Jews. The Final Solution started the Holocaust. -
Dachau Opened
Dachau was the first concentration camp. At first, it only housed criminals, gypsies, homosexuals, and Jehovah's Witnesses and people who didn't agree with the Nazi government. Later, the SS took over and forced prisoners to work until death. Medical experiments were conducted at Dachau on prisoners. It's impact on progression of Holocaust: The presence of Dachau continued to support the discrimination of minorities. -
Boycott of Jewish Businesses
The boycott of Jewish businesses which only lasted a few days was put into place right after Hitler became dictator. It was meant to publically intimidate the Jews. Impact on Progression of Holocaust: Even though the boycott only lasted a few days it led into many laws that were put into effect that made conducting business and work difficult for Jewish people. -
The Nuremberg Laws
The Nuremberg Laws affected Jews greatly. The laws gave them no political rights and made it very hard to find work. The required that they have a red "J" stamp on their identity cards and the law also required that they change their middle name so that they could be recognized easily. The impact on progression of Holocaust: The Nuremberg Laws affected all Jews so it set the course for widespread mistreatment -
Kristallnacht was given its name because of the broken glass covering the streets from destruction of property of Jewish people. It was an order from the Gestapo chief to burn or destroy property owned by Jewish people. The Gestapo ordered no one put out the fires unless they threatened to burn near by "Aryan" properties. Impact Progression on Holocaust: Over 30,000 Jews were arrested and sent to concentration camps. -
Germany Invades Polland
When Germany invaded Poland it was unexpected. There was no warning or declaration of war. Germany air raided many major cities in Poland which killed civilians. Germany wanted to expand their empire. Two days after Germany invaded Poland, France and Britain declared war on Germany. Impact on Progression of Holocaust: The Poles that were taken captive were sent to Jewish concentration camp. This intimidated Poles and Jews. -
Auschwitz Concentration Camp Establishment
Auschwitz at first was like any other concentration camp, slow killing Jews. Auschwitz consisted of Jews, Poles, and gypsies. Towards the end of its time Auschwitz turned into the large scale execution of Jews through gas chambers. Impact on progression of Holocaust: It went from bad to worse in terms of the killing of Jews. -
Liberation of Auschwitz
The liberation of Auschwitz happened at the end of the war when Soviet army got close. Prisoners were evacuated and sent on death marches where more than 15,000 died. The prisoners still at Auschwitz, over 7,000 were mostly ill and dying. These were the ones who were liberated. Once liberated they were on their own with no one to care for them or help them get better or find their way. Impact on the Holocaust: This was the beginning of the end of the Holocaust.