holocaust timeline by rakymwinstead

  • hitler chancellor of germany

    hitler chancellor of germany
    President Hindenburg appoints Adolf Hitler Chancellor of Germany
  • boycott

    Boycott of Jewish-owned shops and businesses in Germany
  • military

    Germany introduces military conscription
  • nuremburg

    Nuremberg Race Laws
  • march

    German troops march unopposed into the Rhineland
  • anschluss

    Germany incorporates Austria in the Anschluss (Union)
  • munich

    Munich Agreement
  • krisatallnacht

    Kristallnacht (nationwide pogrom in Germany)
  • invasion

    Germany invades Poland, starting World War II in Europe
  • ghetto

    Germans establish a ghetto in Piotrków Trybunalski, Poland
  • invasion

    Germany invades Denmark and Norway
  • invasion

    Germany invades Yugoslavia and Greece
  • invasion

    Germany invades the Soviet Union
  • mobile killing units

    mobile killing units
    (mobile killing units) shoot nearly 3,000 Jews at the Seventh Fort, one of the 19th-century fortifications surrounding Kovno
  • jews killed

    jews killed
    Einsatzgruppen shoot about 34,000 Jews at Babi Yar, outside Kiev
  • deportation of jews

    deportation of jews
    Germans begin the mass deportation of more than 65,000 Jews from Lodz to the Chelmno killing center
  • deportation

    Germans begin the deportation of more than 65,000 Jews from Drancy, outside Paris, to the east (primarily to Auschwitz)
  • rescue

    Rescue of Jews in Denmark
  • liberation

    Soviet troops liberate the Auschwitz camp complex
  • U.S. troops

    U.S. troops cross the Rhine River at Remagen
  • final offensive

    The Soviets launch their final offensive, encircling Berlin
  • liberation

    American forces liberate the Dachau concentration camp
  • hitler

    Adolf Hitler commits suicide
  • surrender

    Germany surrenders to the western Allies
  • surrender

    Germany surrenders to the Soviets