Holocaust Timeline Assignment JV

  • Schutztraffel Organized

    The Schutztraffel was a paramilitary organization directly linked with Nazi Germany via being Hitler's bodyguards.
  • Hitler is Named Chancellor

    Hitler is named chancellor of Germany by President Paul von Hindenburg
  • Hitler Claims Emergency Powers

    Hitler claims emergency powers via the german Enabling Act, which let Hitler pass laws without having to consult the german parliament. Hitler used this to enstate many laws that allowed the enforcement or just did enforce nazi ideology and concepts.
  • Boycott of Jewish Businesses

    Starting as a rumor to boycott Jewish businesses, the Nazi's justify it as a responce to "the Jewry's criticism of Germany"
  • Law for the "Prevention of Offspring with Hereditary Diseases"

    A law made by the german government allowing for the forced sterilization of physically and mentally disabled people, romani people, and afro-germans.
  • Law Against Dangerous Habitual Criminals

    The Law against dangerous habitual criminals allowed courts to hold people indefinitely, and to castrate sex offenders.
  • Nuremburg Laws Introduced

    The Nuremburg Laws were introduced to reduce/remove the human rights of jewish people, and then to extend that removal of rights to other groups such as Romani and Afro-germans. The main removal of rights for the Nuremburg laws was the prohibition to have offspring.
  • Nazi Germany's Occupation of Rhineland

    Nazi Germany occupies the Rhineland, in direct disobedience of the Treaty of Versailles. Nobody does anything about it though.
  • Reichszentrale Introduced

    The Reichszentrale, or the Reich Central Office for Combating Homosexuality and Abortion was one of the tools used by Nazi Germany to oppress and degrade LGBT+ people.
  • The Night of Broken Glass / Kristallnacht

    The Night of Broken Glass was the night when Nazis in Germany broke into and burned down synagogues, jewish schools, jewish businesses, and jewish homes.
  • MS St. Louis Denied Landing in Cuba

    The MS St. Louis had 937 refugees from Nazi Germany, all looking for better lives. Most, if not all of them had visas, but all but 28 were denied entry into Havana, Cuba. They eventually were forced to go back to Nazi Germany.
  • First known appearance of the Einsatzgruppen

    The Einsatzgruppen were a group of Nazi Germany's paramilitary death squads used specifically for mass killings.
  • Germany's Invasion of Poland

    Germany invades Poland using a new method known as Blitzkrieg, or Lightning War, centered around weakening one point in enemy lines and then circling around after breaking through that point to force the enemy to surrender.
  • Yellow Star Introduced

    The Yellow Star, a badge with a star of david on it that jewish people were forced to wear in public was introduced to isolate and identify jewish people in the time of nazi germany.
  • Lodz Ghetto Opens

    The Lodz Ghetto opened after Nazi Germany had occupied Poland. Lodz had the most largest jewish population in Poland, so it was singled out.
  • Auschwitz Opening

    Auschwitz is authorized to open for the first time by a Commander of the SS, Heinrich Himmler.
  • The Madagascar Plan

    One of Nazi Germany's ideas for getting rid of Jewish people was going out and putting them on Madagascar. No, really. It was headed by Adolf Eichmann
  • Commissar Order

    Hitler makes and signs an order making it so that all Soviet Commissar were to be shot on sight. Commissar aren't soldiers, but political officers.
  • Massacre at Kiev at Babi Yar Ravine

    German Soldiers kill upwards of 60,000 Jewish peoples at Kiev.
  • Wannsee Conference

    The Wannsee conference was a meeting held by high-ranking Nazi germany politicians to discuss "the Final Solution", orchestrated to kill the remaining jewish people systematically and deliberately.
  • Last Gassing at Auschwitz

    The last inmates in Auschwitz were forced to dig up and burn away the graves of their fallen, thought to have held 100,000, ordered to do so by the Nazis to hide the Nazi's crimes.
  • Creation of the Zigeunerlager

    The creation of the Zigeunerlager was a response to the Reich Main Security Office's (RSHA) choice to put persecuted Sinti and Roma people in Auschwitz.
  • Josef Mengele's Arrival to Auschwitz

    Josef Mengele is transferred to Auschwitz from the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Anthropology, directed by his mentor von Verschuer and being promoted to a captain of the SS shortly beforehand.
  • Himmler Orders Liquidation of Ghettos

    Himmler orders liquidation of ghettos to move all remaining jewish inhabitants to concentration camps.
  • Himmler orders destruction of Auschwitz

    Himmler ordered the destruction of the gas chambers in auschwitz as to cover up evidence of their crimes against humanity.
  • Liberation of Auschwitz

    As soviet troops approached, the guards and higher up personnel at Auschwitz left their post. The Soviets led inmates out of Auschwitz, first treating them for lots of diseases first, and to a hotel where they would remain for a good deal of time.
  • Hitler Commits Suicide

    To prevent things from being discovered with passwords only he knew, to prevent being killed or interrogated by ally soldiers coming near, as well out of something unknown, Hitler committed suicide via swallowing a cyanide capsule.
  • International Military Tribunal

    The International Military Tribunals, also known as the Nuremburg Trials, were high-level trials established by the allies post world war two in order to punish high-level politicians for war crimes and atrocities committed.
  • Josef Mengele's Death

    He died at a vacation resort near Bertioga Brazil, and he died by drowning after having a stroke while swimming.
  • Adolf Eichmann Captured

    Captured by Israel's Mossad (covert operations and counter-intelligence) in Argentina in 1960