holocaust timeline

  • Adolf Hitler Appointed Chancellor

    Adolf Hitler Appointed Chancellor
    Adolf Hitler became the German nation's chancellor alongside the Reichstag. Him stepping power caused the enabling act, in which gave Hitler the power to create laws without having the president's interference. The German people were super enthusiastic about him stepping in office, since they thought that Germany will finally be able to build back up.
  • Establishment of Dachau Camp

    Establishment of Dachau Camp
    This camp was introduced in 1933 to imprison the Jewish people. This camp imprisoned over 180,000 Jewish people and later on more 28,000 people added as the years passed by to 1945. This was just the beginning of the mass genocide of the Jews. This was the only camp that would continue to be running during the whole duration of the Nazi's rule.
  • Anti-Jewish Boycott

    Anti-Jewish Boycott
    After the Nazi party stepping into office the amounts of Anti-Jewish boycotts started to increase. The Germans spread negative propaganda about Jews and said that the Jews would give out "atrocity stories" to lie on the German government and reputation. This was also an economic boycott that targeted Jewish owned businesses and Jewish establishments. Although this boycott that spread across the nation only lasted a day it could've effected many Jews around the area economically and emotionally.
  • Law limits Jews in public schools

    Law limits Jews in public schools
    The longer Hitler was in office the more and more policies grew upon the Jews to make them more restricted and have more laws making them have less and less freedom. One of these laws even limited the amount of Jewish students there are in one public school around Germany. A large portion of the German government was Jewish. Yet, they limited the amount of Jewish students in a public school was less than 5%. The schools were feeding the children Hitler's ideas and justifying and glorifying them.
  • Central Organization of German Jews Formed

    Central Organization of German Jews Formed
    The Reichsvertretung der deutschen is founded by German Jewish groups in an effort to give a better representation of the German Jews by rallying in the face of rising Nazi persecution and genocide.
  • Röhm Affair

    Röhm Affair
    Pressured by the German army commanders, whose support he would need in order to be the next elected president, he directs the SS to assassinate SA Chief of Staff Ernst Rohm and his most valued commanders. Moreover, the SS kills a mass number of conservative Nazi critics. One of them being General Kurt von Schleicher which who was Hitler's replacement as chancellor. These murders are justified more in the future.
  • Hitler Abolishes the Office of President

    Hitler Abolishes the Office of President
    Hitler later moves on from being Chancellor, Hitler repeals the position of President and made himself Fuhrer of the German Nation and Reich. The regulations of the state no longer apply to Hitler's judgements and opinions. There are no restrictions imposed by law. Hitler is now an undisputed leader of the German country
  • Buchenwald Concentration Camp Opens

    Buchenwald Concentration Camp Opens
    Buchenwald was a camp opened by SS authorities. This was for male prisoners in east-central Germany. It was one of the most populated concentration camps created in the Germans hands. This concentration camp didn't include women until late 1943 or early 1944. The main camp was encircled by an electric barbed-wire fence, watchtowers, and a line of sentries carrying automatic machine guns. The SS frequently executed detainees by shooting them over the time the camp was running.
  • Hitler's death

    Hitler's death
    Adolf Hitler hangs himself as Soviet soldiers approach his command bunker in the heart of Berlin. Within days, the Soviets occupy Berlin.