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Holocaust Timeline

  • Adolf Hitler Appointed Chancellor of Germany

    Adolf Hitler Appointed Chancellor of Germany
    Hitler and the Nazi party assume control in Germany.
  • Establishment of Dachau Camp

    Establishment of Dachau Camp
    The Schutzstaffel (SS) creates one of the first concentration camps called the Dachau Camp.
  • Anti-Jewish Boycott

    Anti-Jewish Boycott
    A boycott was started by the Nazi party, and no products were to be purchased from any Jewish-owned business.
  • Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service

    Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service
    The Nazi party passed a law that didn't allow Jews or any other political opponents to participate in any civil service positions.
  • Nuremberg Race Laws

    Nuremberg Race Laws
    The Nuremberg Laws were passed, and they brought immediete and very clear and concrete segregation of any Jews in Germany.
  • Buchenwald Concentration Camp Opens

    Buchenwald Concentration Camp Opens
    One of the largest concentration camps in Germany opens, and it was Buchenwald. Out of the 238,980 Jews sent there, 53,926 died.
  • Antisemitic Exhibition Opens in Munich

    Antisemitic Exhibition Opens in Munich
    Josef Goebbels and Julius Streicher opened the Der Ewige Jude (The Eternal Jew). This was pretty much a hate museum to point out why Jews should be hated.
  • German Jews’ Passports Declared Invalid

    German Jews’ Passports Declared Invalid
    The Reich Ministry of the Interior takes away the passports of all German Jews, and makes them get new passports with the letter "J" stamped on it.
  • Kristallnacht

    The Nazi Party and other Nazi formations destroyed and looted many Jewish homes, burned Synagogues, and killed at least 91 Jews.
  • Exclusion of Jews from German Economic Life

    Exclusion of Jews from German Economic Life
    A German decree was passed that closed all Jewish-owned business, so they could not obtain money.
  • Reichstag Speech

    Reichstag Speech
    Hitler stated that a worldwide war would result in the ultimate end of the Jewish people in Europe as a whole.
  • St. Louis Sets Sail

    St. Louis Sets Sail
    The St. Louis sets sail for Havana, Cuba carrying under a thousand people, most Jews. However, they were eventually sent back to Germany a few months later.