Holocaust Timeline

  • Hitler Appointed Chancellor

    Hitler Appointed Chancellor
    President Hindenburg appoints Adolf Hitler as Chancellor of the government. This causes the Nazi party to resume control of Germany.
  • President Von Hindenburg Dies

    President Von Hindenburg Dies
    President Von Hindenburg Dies. Taking his place, Adolf Hitler becomes president of Germany. He is now the absolute dictator of Germany.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany Invades Poland
    This initiated World War II in Europe. After Poland lost, Germany took control. They began enforcing anti-semitism rules against the Jews throughout the area they newly claimed. Jews were forced to wear a band to identify themselves as Jews.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Attack on Pearl Harbor
    Japan launched a surprise attack on the United States. This caused the U.S. to declare war on Japan. Allied forces gained naval and air supremacy in the Pacific.
  • Danish Jews Escape

    Danish Jews Escape
    Over 6,000 Danish Jews escape to Sweden with the help of the Danish resistance movement. They helped them hide and fishermen ferried them to Sweden.
  • Hitler Commits Suicide

    Hitler Commits Suicide
    On April 30, 1945, Adolf Hitler hangs himself as Soviet soldiers approach his command bunker in the heart of Berlin. Within days, the Soviets occupy Berlin.
  • US Ratifies Genocide Convention

    US Ratifies Genocide Convention
    Ronald Reagan, President of the United States, signs the Genocide Convention. Strong opposition to the Convention existed because of concerns that it would violate US national sovereignty.
  • First Conviction for Genocide

    First Conviction for Genocide
    As the mayor of the Rwandan town of Taba, Akayesu was found responsible for acts of genocide and crimes against humanity.