Concentration camps

Holocaust Timeline

  • Hitler becomes chancellor

    Hitler becomes chancellor
    After Hindenburg was elected as president, he allowed for Hitler to become chancellor in order do try to unify Germany because of Hitler's supporters. He did this because Hitler had won 38% of the votes and Hindenburg did not want to anger his supporters
  • Hitler passes enabling act

    Hitler passes enabling act
    To gain power, Hitler wanted to pass the enabling act, which gave him soul power to pass laws. All of the political parties, except socialists and communists, passed the act to because they believed in a time of struggle they needed a powerful figure head.
  • Hitler uses enabling act to gain power

    Hitler uses enabling act to gain power
    Because of the enabling act, Hitler now has soul power to pass laws. He starts gaining power by getting rid of all other parties, starting with socialist and communists and then removing the others. If you weren't part of the Nazi party, then you weren't part of any party.
  • Start to boycott Jews

    Start to boycott Jews
    Hitler starts trying to grow resentment for Jews. He places propaganda in their stores to convince people not to buy their products. His plan doesn't work and the boycott ends but it is the start of his plan for the Jews and it shows what he has planned for the rest of his time in power.
  • Start of 'Superior' Race

    Start of 'Superior' Race
    Hitler makes a chart and laws that separate Jews and Non-Jews, saying that Germans are the best race and no one is allowed to marry or have relationships with Jews if they are not Jewish. Hitler Says that Germans are a Superior race and starts to teach youths this at a young age so that they no nothing else.
  • Night of Broken Glass

    Night of Broken Glass
    The Night of Broken Glass was the start of physical harassments against the Jewish race. It was orchestrated violence against the Jewish population, destroying, looting, and burning of Jewish stores, homes and synagogues. 96 where killed and over 30,000 where arrested and sent to concentration camps
  • Refugee and Escape

    Refugee and Escape
    After German violence erupted, many Jews, and other races, tried to evacuate to other countries. Many couldn't because of the cost and those who did manage to leave didn't have much to go because no one wanted them.
  • War starts

    War starts
    The war starts with the Invasion of Poland. Germany succeeds and captures Poland and Hitler makes many concentration and death camps in Poland to kill more Jews. Millions die and the Allies will remain clueless until the end of the war in 1945. After the invasion of Poland, Germany continues to attack nations like France and Soviet Russia while they are killing of the Jewish population.