Hitler is now the Chancellor of Germany. -
The Nazi Party's rise to power
The Nazis burned down the Reichstag to spread fear to assure the Party's rise to power. -
Concentration camps
The first concentration camp has opened. -
Hitler has now been chosen to be the dictator of Germany. -
The Nazis began boycotting Jewish shops. -
Concentration Camps
The "Undesirables" are being sent to the concentration camps. -
The Jews were beginning to get persecuted. -
The Nuremberg Laws were created to segregate the Jewish people. -
The Austrian Jews were beginning to get persecuted. -
Munich destruction
The Jewish synagogue in Munich got destroyed. -
Every Jewish passport was stamped with a letter "J". -
The Nazis began assaulting Jewish homes and shops. -
The Jews were being fined for the damage caused by Kristallnacht. -
Jewish children were getting expelled from schools. -
The Jews in Austria and Czechoslovakia were getting deported. -
The Jews in Poland were forced to sew a yellow star on their clothes to be identified. -
The European Jews were beginning to get persecuted. -
Concentration camps
The concentration camp "Auschwitz" is open -
Warsaw Ghetto
The Warsaw Ghetto was closed keeping around 400,000 Jews inside. -
Nazi Killing squad
German killing squads were sent to Russia to eliminate Jewish people there. -
Final Solution
The Final Solution was implemented. -
Concentration camps
The first Death camp in Chelmno is open. -
Concentration camps
In January, Auschwitz began using gas to eliminate people. -
Concentration camps
In the summer the Jews from all around Europe began to be sent to the Death camps -
Concentration camps
The gypsies began to be sent to the concentration camps. -
Warsaw Ghetto
The Warsaw Ghetto uprising began, it ended in May 16 in failure. -
Concentration camps
In late 1943, the death camps are closing. -
Concentration camps
The Jews in Hungary began to be sent to the concentration camps. -
Concentration camps
The Jews that survived the camps were forced to walk "Death Marches". -
Hitler committed suicide -
World War 2
Germany surrendered World War 2. -
Nuremberg Trials
The Nuremberg trials began in order to persecute the Nazi officers for their war crimes.