Holocaust Timeline

  • Period: to

    Before 1933

    Adolf Hitler became chancellor in January 30th of 1933 of the Nazi party. He was appointed to state by President Paul von Hindenburg. People were electrified to see that Hitler was the new chancellor and held a big greeting to met him.
  • Helen Baker Diary

    Helen Baker Diary
    Helen Baker used letters and diary's to write what she experienced during that time. She wrote down what she witnessed when Hitler entered the city. On March 11-13 German troops invaded Austria.
  • German Invasion of Poland

    German Invasion of Poland
    Germany invades Poland starting world war 2 in Europe. Western Poland remained under German occupation until 1945. The Germans continued to enforce racial laws, and made Jews wear white armbands with a blue star, and made them do forced labor.
  • Warsaw Ghetto Sealed

    Warsaw Ghetto Sealed
    Germans ordered the Warsaw Ghetto to be sealed. Largest ghetto with both population and area. The population of the Warsaw ghetto was 500,000 people.
  • Auschwitz- Birkenau camp was established

    Auschwitz- Birkenau camp was established
    In March 1st of 1942 the Nazi made a new concentration camp called Auschwitz- Birkenau. At the beginning there were 945 Soviet Union war prisoners at the concentration camp, which was used as a prison for war hostages. It became a functioning killing center in March 1942-November 1944
  • The gassing begins at Treblinka

    The gassing begins at Treblinka
    On July 23rd 1942 the concentration camp Treblinka began using gas to execute to Jewish people. The estimated number of Jews executed by the lethal gas between July 1942- November 1943 was 925,000
  • Nuremberg trials begin

    Nuremberg trials begin
    On October 1st 1946, the Nuremberg trials began, which sentenced 12 Nazi officials to death. All four of the allied nations (US, UK, SSR, FR,) and a selected judge sentenced those 12 officers to death by hanging. Three other Nazi officers were supposed to serve 4 life terms but they were acquitted and did not server more then 10 years.
  • First Conviction for Genocide

    First Conviction for Genocide
    In September 2, 1998, Jean-Paul Akayesu was convicted of genocide. This was the worlds first conviction, in an international tribunal, genocide. ICTR now was established for genocide, crime wars and harm against humanity,