Holocaust Timeline

By Rudy A
  • Hitler comes to power

    Hitler comes to power
    Hitler is appointed chancellor of Germany and takes power
  • Hitler takes over

    Hitler takes over
    Before 1934 Hitler was chancellor but didn't have full power, But after the death of Hindenburg he took full control
  • Rearmament

    Hitler announces that he will rebuild the German military
  • Nuremberg Laws

    Nuremberg Laws
    Race laws where implemented in order to preserve pure German blood
  • Nuremberg Laws

    Nuremberg Laws
    Laws where made in order to preserve pure German blood
  • Reoccupation of the Rhineland

    Reoccupation of the Rhineland
    Hitler announces that he will remilitarize the Rhineland.
  • Reoccupation of the Rhineland

    Reoccupation of the Rhineland
    Hitler announced that he would remilitarize the Rhineland.
  • Remilitarization

    Hitler announces that he is going to Militarize the Rhineland.
  • Eugenics and the "science" of Race

    Eugenics and the "science" of Race
    Members of the Hitler youth where taught about racial hygiene and the superior 'Aryan" or Germanic races
  • Eugenics and the "science" of Race

    Eugenics and the "science" of Race
    Hitler youth learns about genetic hygiene and this is also taught in regular schools
  • Kristallnacht

    A jew Killed a German diplomat in Paris and then that night many Jewish homes, schools, and stores where vandalized and nearly 100 jew where killed.
  • Kristallnacht

    A Jewish shop owner killed a German diplomat. As a respons many Jewish schools, shops, and homes where vandalized and almost 100 Jews where killed
  • Jews in Poland

    Jews in Poland
    When Germany Invaded Poland countless jew where put into ghettos of rounded up and killed or sent to concentration camps.
  • Invasion of poland

    Invasion of poland
    Germany declare war on Poland and proceeds to invade Poland along with the soviet union
  • Fall Weise

    Fall Weise
    Germany invades Poland which has many Jews which will eventually be exterminated
  • Fall Rot

    Fall Rot
    Germany invades France and will come to kill many Jews and send them to concentration camps
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    Germany invades Russia and goes on to kill not only millions of Russians where killed but also millions of Jews where sent to concentration camps
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    Germany invades Russia and not only Will Germany kill many Jews and send them to concentration camps but many Russians and Slavs as well
  • Death Marches

    Death Marches
    The Nazis in an attempt to retreat from the Russians, kill Jews, and make sure the Allies don't see what was done at the camps took Jews with them on long marches which will kill them
  • The end

    The end
    The second world war finally comes to an end and finally stopping the holocaust.
  • Fall Rot

    Fall Rot
    Germany invades France and will come to also kill and exterminate the Jews in France