Hitler becomes Chancellor
When Hitler became Chancellor, his plan was to make Germanya powerful one-party state. He began his job as soon as he got there. Nazis now ruled Germany. After he was elected, there was no stopping him. -
Dachau Opens
Dachau was the first concentration camp, opened in 1933. At first, it was used for political prisoners, but then turned into a death camp. Jewish people could die from malnutrtion, executuion, disease, or being overworked. Not only did it include Jews, but people who Hitler thought were unfit for the new Germany were also sent there. -
Boycott of Jewish businesses
In 1933, It was announced that Jewish businesses should be boycotted. They said that all the Jewish people were hoarding cash. Signs were posted, saying not to go in their stores. It was also said as an act of revennge. -
Nuremburg Laws
Naziz announced these laws in 1935. The Laws excluded Jews, making them less important from the rest. Jewish people became secondary citizens. Hitler wanted 'protection of the german blood'. -
Kristallnacht is know as "The night of Broken glass". Nazis went aroundsand destroyed any buliding that Jewish people owned or lived in. Anything from businesses, to synagogues and cemetaries were destroyed. It is said that this was done because a Jewish teen killed a german diplomat. -
Germany invades Poland
One week after signing the non agression pact with Russia, Germany invaded Poland. Two weeks later, Russia invaded Poland from the east. The motive was Lebenstraum, or living space. This lasted a month before Germany went back. -
Auschwitz Camped opened
Auschwitz was the largest concentration camp out of them all. It had three camps within it. Anyone could be sent there. If you did so much as disobey a Nazi, you could end up there. After a while, three different Auschwitz's opened up. That camp also help the most victims of the Holocaust. -
The Final Solution
The Final Solution was when Hitler declarded that all Jewish people living in Europe would die. This decided the fate of 2/3 of the Jewish population in Europe. The origin of this plan remains uncertain. It's hard to say if Hitler just decided this at one time instead of thinking it over. -
Liberation of Aucshwitz
In mid January, the war was coming to a close and the Nazis knew it. The SS began evacuated the camp, making prisoners march west away from the camp. Thousands had died just days before. More than 15,000 people died from these marches. Anyone who couldn't go on or fell was shot.