Holocaust Timeline

  • Schutzstaffel Organized:

    The Schutzstaffel was a nazi organization that was supposed to “protect” the Nazi party and carry out arrests, imprisonments, and executions of anyone that wasn’t “Aryan” [Jewish people, Homosexuals and many more groups] This affected most people who weren’t considered “Aryan” [Jewish people, the disabled, Homosexuals, Roma people] by having many
  • Hitler becomes Chancellor:

    Hitler became Chancellor of Germany after being appointed by Paul Von Hindenburg. This affected German leadership because it allowed a majority-Nazi government to rise to power.
  • Hitler claims emergency powers:

    The enabling act of 1933 was an amendment in the Weimar Constitution that gave the Chancellor executive, total power in a ‘state of emergency’. This affected the German nation from the rise of Nazism.
  • Boycott of Jewish Businesses:

    According to the Germans, the boycott of Jewish Businesses was a reaction to the Jewish boycott to German goods. It affected Germans by not buying from Jewish businesses even if it was less convenient. It also affected Jewish people by not being able to keep their businesses running from Germans not buying from them.
  • Law for the Prevention of Hereditary Diseases:

    This law was a compulsory sterilization for anyone that suffered from “genetic disorders”. [Many were not genetic] This law affected people with hereditary blindness, deafness, chorea, epileptics, manic depressive insanity, schizophrenia, and other “Genetic” disorders by preventing anyone with those 'disorders' from reproducing.
  • Nuremberg Laws:

    The Nuremberg Laws were a set of laws that stripped Jewish citizens of their citizenship, banned them from marrying “Aryan” citizens and emboldened anti-Semitism in Germany. This impacted Jewish citizens by removing their citizenship, banning them from marrying German citizens [Aryans] and made their daily lives harder.
  • Law against Dangerous Habitual Criminals:

    This law was a law that permitted the sterilization of any Habitual criminals [Habitual criminals are people who have done another crime another doing one before] and also used against alcoholics, African descendants, beggars and more. This affected repeat offenders, beggars, African descendants, prostitutes, Romani, chronically unemployed and the homeless by having them sterilized without being able to stop it.
  • Nazi’s Occupy Rhineland:

    This event was when Germany, when previously banned from doing so, sent troops into the Rhineland and re-armed it, one of the first breaks in the Versailles treaty. This impacted the citizens thereby having the presence of the German military arrive when they would be previously safe from the army.
  • Reichs Zentrale is created:

    This was an organization that collected information and hunted down homosexuals. This impacted homosexuals by having them run the risk of execution or imprisonment because of data being collected on them.
  • Kristallnacht/The Night of Broken Glass:

    This event was when Synagogues were burnt down, homes/shops/schools that were run by Jewish people were vandalized, 100 people were killed and 30,000 Jewish men were arrested and sent to Concentration camps. This impacted Jewish citizens by being sent to horrible camps that would kill many of them, having their shops [livelihood], homes and schools vandalized and their places of worship burned.
  • St. Louis Ship (with Jews):

    The St. Louis was a ship that attempted to bring Jewish refugees to Cuba so they wouldn’t be killed back in Germany, but sadly was denied entry and returned to Europe. This affected the Jewish refugees by having them lose hope when denied and have them sent around Europe when they eventually were given to allied nations for protection.
  • Einsatzgruppen, starts:

    Einsatzgruppen were Schutzstaffel paramilitary death squads of the Nazi’s in charge by Heinrich Himmler. This event impacted the minorities and their families by killing them.
  • Germany Invaded Poland:

    The German invasion of Poland was when Germany attacked Poland on September 1st, 1939 because they wanted to end the Polish corridor that blocked them from their Prussian lands. This affected the civilians and military of Poland because many Jews and other minorities would be sent to camps [once the lands were occupied] and killed in mass [including military].
  • The Lodz Ghetto Opens:

    The Lodz Ghetto was a Jewish ghetto in the city of Lodz where many Polish Jews were sent to and lasted until 1944 [WK] This affected the lives of Jewish Poles by having them sent to homes with not good conditions, being forced to stay and have them sent to death camps.
  • Aushwitz Opens:

    It was the largest concentration camp. It is located in southern Poland, Auschwitz. It affects minorities because many were sent here and the people sent here were forced to work and mostly killed.
  • The Madagascar Plan:

    The Madagascar Plan was a German proposed plan to move all of Europe’s Jews to the island of Madagascar by “removing their citizenship and property to fund the ‘super ghetto’ and it would be run by the SS police force.” This would have impacted Jews in a way where they would be forcibly removed from their homes in Europe and would be sent to an island they may be unfamiliar with and be forced to live there.
  • The Commissar Order:

    This was an order issued to the German army to kill any Soviet political commissars that were captured. This affected the Soviet Army by making the job of being a political commissar [someone who enforced the Soviet ideology in the army] a dangerous one and would have any captured commissars killed.
  • Yellow Star for German Jews:

    The Yellow Star for German Jews was an event where all German Jews would be forced to wear a yellow Star of David This affected German Jews by having them be almost always identifiable in crowds or in other areas of their city/lives.
  • Babi Yar:

    A ravine in the Ukrainian capital Kyiv and a site of massacres carried out by German forces during their campaign against the Soviet Union in World War II. Also, it was used to kill 33k jews. It affected Jews and the Soviets by killing lots of them.
  • Wannsee Conference:

    This was a conference held to “ensure the co-operation of administrative leaders of various government departments in the implementation of the Final solution to the Jewish question, whereby most of the Jews of German occupied Europe would be sent to Poland and murdered” [WK] This affected Jewish citizens by giving them a high risk of deportation and execution, in which a lot of citizens were killed.
  • Last Gassing at Auschwitz

    The last gassing at Auschwitz was the final time the gas chambers were used in Auschwitz to kill Jews and other minorities. This affected the inmates, mainly Jewish, by giving the people there a slightly higher chance of living because of the chambers not being used.
  • Creation of the Zigeunerlager:

    The Zigeunerlager is a concentration camp, but for gypsies. On December 16, 1942, Heinrich Himmler ordered the deportation of all remaining Sinti and Roma. It affects Sinti and Roma people, also their families.
  • Joseph Mengele arrives at Auschwitz:

    He began experiments on Jewish prisoners. Particularly twins. It affected people held in concentration camps as well as the unlucky twin by having them experimented on and tortured.
  • Himmler Orders Liquidation of ghettos:

    This event caused the people surviving in the ghettos to move to the concentration camps, but they can basically only bring the clothes on their backs. It affected the minorities living in the ghettos, thinking they might be moving to a better location.
  • Himmler Orders Destruction of Auschwitz:

    The Nazi’s try to cover up their crimes against humanity by beginning to dismantle the camp. It Affected the Nazi’s by trying to make people think what they were doing was less bad than what they did. It affected the Jewish because they helped destroy what killed their people. It also affected the Nazi's by attempting to hide their crimes.
  • Liberation of Auschwitz:

    The liberation of Auschwitz was an event where the Soviet army liberated the death camp of Auschwitz and attempted to save the lives of the survivors. This affected the surviving Jewish citizens by having most saved by the Soviets and them being able to retell their stories about what horrors occur there.
  • Hitler Commits Suicide:

    This event was when Adolf Hitler took his and his wife’s lives once Hitler realized they could not win the war. But nobody knows if he really died or where his body was. This affected the German citizens and leadership because it was further destabilized Germany and showed how the leader finally accepted how Germany lost as well as giving people relief [minorities affected by the holocaust] that Adolf Hitler, the evil man who killed over 6 million people was finally killed.
  • International Military Tribunal:

    The International Military Tribunal, also known as the Nuremberg trials were the trials of many Nazi leaders and members that committed war crimes and other bad things. This impacted the leadership and members because it brought many to justice for the horrible things they did.
  • Adolf Eichmann captured:

    Eichmann was captured by the national intelligence agency of Israel on May 11th, 1960 in Argentina for war crimes. It affected Eichmann and gave closure to some of his victims because he was finally caught and tied.
  • Dr. Josef Mengele Dies:

    Dr. Josef Mengele Dies. It affected Josef Mengele and survivors of the camps he was at because it could give them closure that Mengele was finally caught and dead.