
Holocaust Timeline

  • President Hindenburg appoints Adolf Hitler chancellor of Germany

  • SS opens the Dachau concentration camps outside of the Munich

  • Nuremberg Race laws

  • German troops march unopposed into the Rhineland

  • Nazi- soviet non aggression Agreement

  • Germany invades Poland, starting WWII in Europe

  • Germany invades Denmark and Norway

  • Germany invades the Soviet Union

  • Mobile killing units shoot nearly 3000 Jews at the seventh fort

  • Period: to

    Mobile killing units shoot about 34,000 Jews at Babi Yar

  • Mobile killing units round up 13,000 Jews from the Minsk ghetto and kill them in nearby Tuchinki

  • Mobile killing units shoot 10,000 Jews from the Riga ghetto in the Rumbula forest

  • Nazi Germany declares war on the united states

  • Germans begin the mass deportation of more than 65,000 Jews from Lodz to the chelmno killing center

  • Warsaw ghetto uprising begins

  • Rescue of Jews in Denmark

  • Germans begin the mass deportation of 440,000 Jews from Hungary

  • D-day: Allied forces invade Normandy, France

  • Warsaw polish uprising begins

  • Death march of nearly 60,000 prisoners from the Auschwitz camp system in southern Poland

  • Soviet troops liberate the Auschwitz camp complex

  • The Soviets launch their final offensive, encircling Berlin

  • Adolf Hitler commits suicide

  • Germany surrenders to the western Allies

  • Germany surrenders to the soviets