Holocaust Timeline

  • The Beginning of Terror

    The Beginning of Terror
    Hitler was elected as Chancellor in Germany which allowed him and the Nazi party to rise in power, slowly taking away the natural rights of citizens
  • The First Concentration Camp is Built

    The First Concentration Camp is Built
    Located in Dachau Germany, the first concentration camp was intended to hold Hitler/the Nazi party's opponents like communists and democrats. Later on however, it ended up holding over 67,000 prisoners; most of which were Jewish people.
  • Nuremburg Laws are Passed

    Nuremburg Laws are Passed
    The Nuremburg Laws passed by the Nazi party stated if you had any blood relation to a Jewish person (religiously or ethnically) you were forbidden from marrying or having relations with a German person, and other laws further segregating the Jewish population from Germany.
  • Kristallnacht

    Kristallnacht-or the night of broken glass-was when German people rioted/attacked Jewish people and their property. They destroyed synagogues, businesses, and houses; leaving the streets covered in broken glass.
  • The First Ghettos are Established

    The First Ghettos are Established
    Ghettos (fenced off neighborhoods that consisted only of Jewish people) were intended to segregate Jews away from the rest of the people and make them easier to track down/send to other places. Around a month after the first Jews began being taken out of their houses and placed into ghettos, Jewish people were forced to wear the Star of David which made them even more recognizable.
  • Jews are Deported from Ghettos to Concentration Camps

    Jews are Deported from Ghettos to Concentration Camps
    From 1941-42, Jewish people were forced out of their ghettos and crammed together onto small trains where they would either die on the trip there, or be shot when they made it to the camp. Those that survived were taken in as prisoners and forced to work in the camps with little to no food and water.
  • Jews Continued to be Removed from Ghettos and Placed in Camps

    Jews Continued to be Removed from Ghettos and Placed in Camps
    Throughout 1942 all the way until 1945, camps were taking in prisoners that were not just Jewish; homosexuals, mentally and physically disabled, and gypsies were all taken and forced into camps. They were also forced to wear logos that would separate them from others (Homosexuals wore an upside down pink triangle, Jews wore the star of David, and many other symbols to signify who these people were)
  • The First and Last Camps are Finally Freed

    The First and Last Camps are Finally Freed
    After years of torture and murder, the first concentration camp (Auschwitz; also known as one of the worst camps) was freed in winter of 1945. The last camp to be freed was Stutthof in May of the same year. Every camp was liberated by the Allies as well as the Soviet troops.