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Adolf Hitler vs. The Jews

  • Hitler is Appointed German Chancellor

    Hitler is Appointed German Chancellor
    In 1933, the Nazi Regime took over Germany and guaranteed citizens practically no rights. The Enabling Act lead to Hitler gaining power and becoming the chancellor of Germany. To gain nationwide support Hitler utilized propaganda to win the favor of the German people.
  • The First Concentration Camp is Set Up

    The First Concentration Camp is Set Up
    In 1933, the Regime set up the first concentration camp. The people they rounded up to put in them included Jehovah's Witnesses, political rivals, homosexuals, and Jewish people. As well as using propaganda to gain support for the Nazis, they used it to turn people against the aforementioned rivals.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany Invades Poland
    In 1939, Germany invaded Poland kicking off WWII. Germany's intent was to regain territory and rule over its eastern neighbor. The main factor in Germany's success was its advanced and greater amount of aircraft.
  • Germany Betrays the Soviet Union

    Germany Betrays the Soviet Union
    In 1941, Germany turned on its ally, the Soviet Union. The Einsatzgruppen used civilian and police support in their mass shootings in Soviet land. As a result of this, the Soviets switched sides and allied with Britain and later America.
  • The French and Slovak Jews are Deported to Auschwitz

    The French and Slovak Jews are Deported to Auschwitz
    Auschwitz was the largest concentration camp which had three camps in it, one serving as a killing center. In 1941, the Slovak government negotiated with Nazi Germany for the mass deportation of Jews to German-occupied Poland. The Jews in France were deported to the East at the height of a two-year process of aggressive legislation.
  • The Krakow Ghetto is Liquidated

    The Krakow Ghetto is Liquidated
    The Kraków Ghetto was a Nazi ghetto created by Germany in the new General Government territory during the German occupation of Poland in World War II. The Ghetto was liquidated between June 1942 and March 1943. During the operation, the SS killed approximately 2,000 Jews in the ghetto and transferred another 2,000 Jews.
  • Hungarian Jews Arrive at Auschwitz

    Hungarian Jews Arrive at Auschwitz
    In I1944, Hungarian gendarmerie officials, under the guidance of German SS officials, deported around 440,000 Jews from Hungary. Jews from Hungary arrived at Auschwitz and Adolf Eichmann arrived to personally oversee and speed up the extermination process. By May 24, an estimated 100,000 had been gassed.
  • The Liberation of Auschwitz

    The Liberation of Auschwitz
    At the end of the Holocaust, Hitler and the Nazi Party murdered 6 million Jews. In January 1945, Soviet armies approached the camp, and almost 60,000 prisoners were forced to leave on a death march westward. As late as June 1945, there were still 300 survivors at the camp who were too weak to be moved.