Holocaust timeline

  • Period: to 1945 BCE

    nazi germany

    Nazi germany started in 1931 when the nazi party began
  • Reichstag fire Decree

    Reichstag fire Decree
    A German parliament building was burned down by arsonist and the Nazi's blamed the communist for the event. Following the event, Adolph Hitler was given total emergency power over Germany. This event started the reign of Nazi germany, it was legal to arrest political oppositions for no real crime.
  • establishment of Dashau

    establishment of Dashau
    Nazi Germany created its first concentration camp soon after Hitler was given full power. Dashau housed about 188,000 people throughout the Holocaust also being the death place of 28,000 people
  • book burning

    book burning
    university students burned 25,000+ non german books. the students gathered to hear Joseph Goebbels talk about political corruption.
  • The Editors Law

    The Editors Law
    Nazi Germany banned anyone who wasn't apart of the Aryan race from practicing journalism. By doing this German's stopped Jews from being able express themselves through the press.
  • Nuremberg Race Laws

    Nuremberg Race Laws
    The Nuremberg Race Laws prohibited Jews from attending German schools, practicing law, medicine, and didn't allow them to participate in government. Nuremberg race laws were similar to Jim crow laws here in America, they were used to make Jewish people second class citizens.
  • Auschwitz camp established

    Auschwitz camp established
    Auschwitz was made of 3 smaller camps that made of the largest concentration camp in Nazi Germany. Prisoners at Auschwitz were exposed to extreme cruelty and laborious work.
  • Warsaw ghetto sealed

    Warsaw ghetto sealed
    German authorities order the Warsaw ghetto and the Jews in it to be sealed. It is the largest ghetto in both area and population, with a population of more than 350,000 Jews, in an area of about 1.3 square miles. Sealing off the ghetto meant that the Jewish people of this area had no contact with outside world
  • Wannsee Conference

    Wannsee Conference
    Reinhard Heydrich, chief of the Reich Security Main Office planned this meeting whit higher Nazi officials to discuss his plans of ridding Germany of the Jewish people and taking over Europe. This meeting is what could be seen as the start of the holocaust, leading up to this point mass shootings and incarcerations for Jewish hadn't been towards a master plan to eliminate the Jewish people