Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany
Hitler gains the title Fuhrer after the death of Von Hindenburg
Nazis pass law that gives people the abilty to force abortions on women
The law was passed to prevent diseases from being transferred from mother to offspring. -
The Nuremberg Laws are put into effect
prohibited mingling of Jews and Germans and took some of the right of Jews. -
Kristallnacht occurs
Kristallnacht or "Crystal Night" was when Germans broke the windows of stores and homes, places of religious gathering were burned to the ground. -
Germany invades Poland
Jews put into ghettos.
The German Jews were taken from their homes and put into ghettos and kept there confined until being loaded into cattle cars and taken to concentration camps. -
Auschwitz becomes a concentration camp
Located in Poland, Auschwitz began to be operated by the Third Reich and it was estimated that 1.1 million people were killed there. -
Japan bombs Pearl Harbor
Germans attack Stalingrad
Germany turns on Russia, the ally, and attempts to takeover Stalingrad, Russia. This place was namesake to Stalin, the ruler. -
People are reburied in Auschwitz
Auschwitz decides to dig up the dead and burn their corpses so it would not soil the groundwater. -
Germany surrenders to Russia in Stalingrad
Germans surrender to allies
German and Italian soldiers that were deported to Africa surrender to the allies. -
Russia liberates Auschwitz
Russia frees all of the people that were captured and confined. -
D- Day
Ally forces storm Normandy beaches by air, land, and sea to fight the Nazis. -
Anne- Frank deported
Anne- Frank and her family were taken out of their home in Amsterdam and sent to Auschwitz. -
Allies liberate Paris, France.
All those who were confined were cleared and let out. -
Gas chambers used for the last time in Auschwitz
Hitler comits suicide
World War II ends
The U.S. begins to drop atomic bombs and Jpan surrenders ending World War II