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Holocaust Timeline 1928-1945

  • Nazi Party Elections

    The Nazi party did terrible in Reichstag, elections winning only 2.6% of the overall votes.
  • Anne Frank Born

    Annelies Marie Frank was born on june 12, 1929, in Frankfurt Germany. She became known as the symbol for the lost promise of children who have die in the Holocaust.
  • Depression Starts

    The Great Depression has brought worldwide economic, social, and psychological consequences.
  • Hitler Campaign Speech

    Hitler attacks the Weimar Repulic and pledges to the people to dissolve parliamentary systems.
  • Adolf Hitler Appointed Chancellor

    Nazi Party gains control of the German States.
  • Establishment of Dachau Camp

    SS esatblishes the Dachau Concentration camp
  • Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service

    The German law has excluded all Jews and other political people from civil service positions
  • Hitler Abolishes the Office of President

    Hitler had became the absolute "Dictator of Germany.
  • Ban on Jehovah's Witness Organization

    German government bans all the organizations of the Jehovah's Witness Christian denomination.
  • Buchenwald Concentration Camp Opens

    Buchenwald had became one the the most largest concentration camps made within the german borders.
  • German Annexation of Austria

    German troops have invaded Austria and incorporate Austria into the German Reich what is also known as the Anschluss
  • German Invasion of Poland

    Germany invaded Poland, which initiated World War II in Europe.
  • Auschwitz Camp Established

    SS established the largest detention center complex of the Nazi regime.
  • Explosion of the SS Partia

    Destruction of ships carrying 1,800 Jewish people.
  • Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

    People were outnumbered, outgunned, individuals and other small groups of jews hid/fought the Germans for about a month.
  • D-Day

    Under code name "Overloard" The U.S. British, and Canadian troops landed on the beaches of Normandy, France.
  • Attempt to Assassinate Hitler

    German Military officers tryed to attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler in East Prussian headquarters at Rastenburg.
  • Soviet Forces Liberate Auschwitz

    Soviet Army entered Auschwitz,Birkenau, and Monowitz then liberates around 7,000 prisoners, most of the people were already ill and dying.
  • U.S Forces liberate Buchenwald

    Expectation of liberation, starved and emaciated prisoners storm watchtowers, seizing control!
  • Japan Surrenders

    Japan Surrenders. World War II officially ends!
  • New Directive on Immigrant Visas to the U.S.

    President Harry Truman issued a directive giving preference to displace persons for immigrant visas under excisting U.S immigration quota restrictions.