Holocaust Timeline

  • Hitler and the Nazi Party came into power

    Hitler and the Nazi Party came into power
    Paul von Hindenburg declares Adolf Hitler the new leader. Although mass genocide did not occur immediately, new laws were passed that taking away rights of Jews and others.
  • Boycott of Jew-owned businesses

    Boycott of Jew-owned businesses
    The Nazi Party, along with others, go around and destroy stores that belong to Jewish people.
  • Jewish Children limited in Public Schools

    Jewish Children limited in Public Schools
    Certain laws prevented overcrowding in Public Schools. That lead to not all Jewish kids being able to have an education as they were usually kicked out if the school was deemed as overcrowded.
  • Organizations of Jews in Germany formed

    Organizations of Jews in Germany formed
    A group of German Jews formed to make Reichsvertretung der Deutschen Juden
  • Government weakened

    Government weakened
    Hitler officially becomes a dictator as the Office of President is demolished
  • Concentration Camps

    Concentration Camps
    Concentration camps open - with Buchenwald being the largest camp of them all.
  • Kristallnacht

    A wave of damage and destruction came to Jewish families as The Nazi Party flooded in residents' homes and buildings. Many people passed away and properties were burned to the ground
  • The first kinder transport arrives

    The first kinder transport arrives
    Kinder Transport was an organization meant for saving children. In order for kids to survive the persecution of the Nazis, parents sent them away.